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Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

  1. #1

    Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    Hello board,

    I have been tasked to do something way beyond my experience with Excel
    and I'm requesting your help! Here's the scenario:

    A workbook called Projects.xls is in use by many folks. This workbook
    has three worksheets, but only two are really necessary to explain.
    The first of the two is named Projects, which is hidden. The second is
    named Projects (1), which is visible. Projects and Projects (1) are
    identical. They consist of data entry fields (normal cells) and
    objects like drop down fields and check boxes. Users complete this
    form as necessary. There is a button on these two sheets (the users
    can only see Projects (1)), that creates another blank Projects
    worksheet from the hidden copy. Of course, Excel automatically
    increments the name accordingly (Projects (2), Projects (3), etc).
    Lastly, there is a hidden row 101 that captures all the data in the
    form. The cells in row 101 have either formulas that reference a data
    entry field (ex. =A5) or hold the actual value for objects.

    We made minor changes to this worksheet, which we are calling
    Projects2.xls for now, which includes deleting some check boxes and
    replacing them with radio buttons. Pretty much the remaining data
    fields and objects are all the same (majority of the worksheet is the
    same). When we push this new version out, we want to have a macro or
    VB code in place that copies the data from the existing worksheets to
    the new worksheets. (The user will be expected to run the macro to
    initiate the copy.)

    In a nutshell, I need to figure out how to:
    1. Copy certain cells and objects from a worksheet in Projects.xls to
    the same cells in the same named worksheet in Projects2.xls. I have to
    create a loop to make the copy continue through additional worksheets
    (users could have only 1 Projects worksheet that has data to copy -
    Projects (1) - or they could have hundreds - Projects (1) through
    Projects (200)+).
    2. After the copy is complete, I would like Projects.xls to close, but
    Projects2.xls remains open so that the user can verify the copy prior
    to saving. The user can then save on his/her own, delete or rename
    Projects.xls to another name, then rename Projects2.xls to
    Projects.xls. (It needs to be renamed in the end because it links up
    with other workbooks and files.)

    I appreciate any and all help. If I've provided too much information,
    I'm sorry! If I need to provide further info, please let me know. I'm
    eager to learn how to do this!

    Thank you!

  2. #2

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    I've gotten this far, but as you can see my code is quite manual. If
    someone knows how to simplify this code so that I don't have to enter
    code for 'n' number of Projects worksheets, it would be greatly
    appreciated! I'm also having problems stopping the code. In my
    testing, I do not have a Project (3) worksheet, but the code does not
    stop, nor does it give me the msgbox.

    Sub CopyData()
    ' CopyData Macro

    ' Project (1)

    Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    Sheets("Project (1)").Paste

    Dim wSheet As Worksheet

    ' Project (2)

    On Error Resume Next
    Set wSheet = Sheets("Project (2)")

    If wSheet Is Nothing Then 'Doesn't Exist
    On Error GoTo errH

    Else 'Does exist
    Run ("Projects2.xls!McrNewProject")
    Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    Sheets("Project (2)").Paste

    ' Project (3)

    On Error Resume Next
    Set wSheet = Sheets("Project (3)")

    If wSheet Is Nothing Then 'Doesn't Exist
    On Error GoTo errH

    Else 'Does exist

    End If
    End If

    Exit Sub
    If wSheet Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Data conversion complete."
    End If

    End Sub

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    Dim Bk1 as Workbook Bk2 as Workbook
    Dim Sh1 as Worksheet, Sh2 as Worksheet
    Dim s as String
    Dim ar as Range
    Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")

    s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    for each Sh1 in Bk1.Worksheets
    On Error Resume Next
    set sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(sh1.Name)
    On Error goto 0
    if not sh2 is nothing then
    for each ar in sh1.Range(s).Areas
    ar.copy Destination:=sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    ' what do you want when the sheet does
    ' not exist in Project (2)
    end if

    Tom Ogilvy

    <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > I've gotten this far, but as you can see my code is quite manual. If
    > someone knows how to simplify this code so that I don't have to enter
    > code for 'n' number of Projects worksheets, it would be greatly
    > appreciated! I'm also having problems stopping the code. In my
    > testing, I do not have a Project (3) worksheet, but the code does not
    > stop, nor does it give me the msgbox.
    > Sub CopyData()
    > '
    > ' CopyData Macro
    > '
    > ' Project (1)
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    > Range("A3:X8").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A3:X8").Select
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    > Range("A10:G14").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A10:G14").Select
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    > Range("A16:G16").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A16:G16").Select
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    > Range("H14:X19").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("H14:X19").Select
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    > Range("A25:X92").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A25:X92").Select
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Select
    > Range("A101:FY101").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A101:FY101").Select
    > Sheets("Project (1)").Paste
    > Dim wSheet As Worksheet
    > ' Project (2)
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > On Error Resume Next
    > Set wSheet = Sheets("Project (2)")
    > If wSheet Is Nothing Then 'Doesn't Exist
    > On Error GoTo errH
    > Else 'Does exist
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Run ("Projects2.xls!McrNewProject")
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    > Range("A3:X8").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A3:X8").Select
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    > Range("A10:G14").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A10:G14").Select
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    > Range("A16:G16").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A16:G16").Select
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    > Range("H14:X19").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("H14:X19").Select
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    > Range("A25:X92").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A25:X92").Select
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Select
    > Range("A101:FY101").Copy
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A101:FY101").Select
    > Sheets("Project (2)").Paste
    > ' Project (3)
    > Windows("Projects.xls").Activate
    > On Error Resume Next
    > Set wSheet = Sheets("Project (3)")
    > If wSheet Is Nothing Then 'Doesn't Exist
    > On Error GoTo errH
    > Else 'Does exist
    > Windows("Projects2.xls").Activate
    > Range("A3").Select
    > End If
    > End If
    > Exit Sub
    > errH:
    > If wSheet Is Nothing Then
    > MsgBox "Data conversion complete."
    > End If
    > End Sub

  4. #4

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!

    I pasted the code in my module and replaced the comments with a command
    to run a macro we have for generating a new projects worksheet. When I
    ran the code, however, it did not copy any further than the Project (1)
    worksheet. I did not get any errors or messages; it just stopped. Any
    further help would be amazingly appreciated!

    Sub CopyData()
    ' CopyData Macro

    Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    Dim s As String
    Dim ar As Range
    Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")

    s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not Sh2 Is Nothing Then
    For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    Run ("Projects2.xls!McrNewProject")
    End If

    End Sub

  5. #5
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    My Best Guess would be: (this assumes that the McrNewProject leaves the
    new sheet as the activesheet)

    Sub CopyData()
    ' CopyData Macro

    Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    Dim s As String
    Dim ar As Range
    Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")

    s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not Sh2 Is Nothing Then
    For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    Run "Projects2.xls!McrNewProject"
    set Sh2 = Activesheet
    Sh2.name = Sh1.Name
    For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)

    End If

    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!
    > I pasted the code in my module and replaced the comments with a command
    > to run a macro we have for generating a new projects worksheet. When I
    > ran the code, however, it did not copy any further than the Project (1)
    > worksheet. I did not get any errors or messages; it just stopped. Any
    > further help would be amazingly appreciated!
    > Sub CopyData()
    > '
    > ' CopyData Macro
    > '
    > Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    > Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    > Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    > Dim s As String
    > Dim ar As Range
    > Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    > Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")
    > s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    > For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    > On Error Resume Next
    > Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    > On Error GoTo 0
    > If Not Sh2 Is Nothing Then
    > For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    > ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    > Next
    > Else
    > Run ("Projects2.xls!McrNewProject")
    > End If
    > Next
    > End Sub

  6. #6

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook


    Thank you so much for your help! Unfortunately, it's not copying
    correctly. Project (1) worksheet data is copying correctly from
    Projects.xls to Projects2.xls, but then Project (2) worksheet data is
    copying from Projects.xls to the Project worksheet (hidden worksheet
    only used for generating new worksheets) in Projects2.xls. However, if
    I create the appropriate number of worksheets before running the macro
    - so that the worksheets in each are the same - then the macro works.
    (The code won't run the macro to create a new project as needed along
    the way.)

    I'll keep poking around, but at minimum we can tell folks to create the
    projects first in the new workbook before copying over the data.
    Thank you again!

  7. #7
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    It if copies to the hidden sheet, it would be because the hidden sheet has
    the same name as a sheet in the Project.xls workbook or your macro unhides
    it and leaves it as the activesheet.

    Since I have no idea what Your routine does, I can only gues and state my
    assumptions as I have done.

    Tom Ogilvy

    <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > Tom,
    > Thank you so much for your help! Unfortunately, it's not copying
    > correctly. Project (1) worksheet data is copying correctly from
    > Projects.xls to Projects2.xls, but then Project (2) worksheet data is
    > copying from Projects.xls to the Project worksheet (hidden worksheet
    > only used for generating new worksheets) in Projects2.xls. However, if
    > I create the appropriate number of worksheets before running the macro
    > - so that the worksheets in each are the same - then the macro works.
    > (The code won't run the macro to create a new project as needed along
    > the way.)
    > I'll keep poking around, but at minimum we can tell folks to create the
    > projects first in the new workbook before copying over the data.
    > Thank you again!
    > Tina

  8. #8

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    Yes, there is a Project worksheet in the Projects.xls workbook, which
    is hidden. There is no data in this worksheet, as it is used in the
    macro to create new Project worksheets. Projects2.xls is basically a
    copy of Projects.xls, with the exception of approximately 6 objects,
    which have been deleted or changed from drop downs/checkboxes to option
    buttons. Therefore, Projects2.xls also has this hidden worksheet -
    Project - which is also empty (no data) because it's used in the macro
    to create new Project worksheets. The code is the same as what you
    provided last. I've tried some variations, but all resulting the same.

    It's not a big deal. We'll just have to have the users run the
    mcrNewProject macro in the new workbook prior to running the code to
    copy the data. You helped tremendously already!


  9. #9
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    Sub CopyData()
    ' CopyData Macro

    Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    Dim s As String
    Dim ar As Range
    Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")

    s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    if sh1.Visible = xlSheetVisible then
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not Sh2 Is Nothing Then
    For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    Run "Projects2.xls!McrNewProject"
    set Sh2 = Activesheet
    Sh2.name = Sh1.Name
    For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)

    End If
    End if
    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > Yes, there is a Project worksheet in the Projects.xls workbook, which
    > is hidden. There is no data in this worksheet, as it is used in the
    > macro to create new Project worksheets. Projects2.xls is basically a
    > copy of Projects.xls, with the exception of approximately 6 objects,
    > which have been deleted or changed from drop downs/checkboxes to option
    > buttons. Therefore, Projects2.xls also has this hidden worksheet -
    > Project - which is also empty (no data) because it's used in the macro
    > to create new Project worksheets. The code is the same as what you
    > provided last. I've tried some variations, but all resulting the same.
    > It's not a big deal. We'll just have to have the users run the
    > mcrNewProject macro in the new workbook prior to running the code to
    > copy the data. You helped tremendously already!
    > Thanks!

  10. #10

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook


    Thank you for revising the code to help me out! I tried it, and it
    improved the issue a bit. It no longer copied the Project (2) data to
    the Project worksheet of the new workbook. However, it still didn't
    run the macro and create new sheets as necessary. But, guess what? I
    was able to manipulate your code to make it work! Here's what ended up

    Sub CopyData()
    ' CopyData Macro

    Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    Dim s As String
    Dim ar As Range
    Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")

    s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    If Sh1.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    Run "Projects2.xls!McrNewProject"
    End If
    For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    End Sub

    Tom, I can't thank you enough for your help! This is terrific!

    Tom Ogilvy wrote:
    > Sub CopyData()
    > '
    > ' CopyData Macro
    > '
    > Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    > Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    > Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    > Dim s As String
    > Dim ar As Range
    > Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    > Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")
    > s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    > For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    > if sh1.Visible = xlSheetVisible then
    > On Error Resume Next
    > Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    > On Error GoTo 0
    > If Not Sh2 Is Nothing Then
    > For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    > ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    > Next
    > Else
    > Run "Projects2.xls!McrNewProject"
    > set Sh2 = Activesheet
    > Sh2.name = Sh1.Name
    > For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    > ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    > Next
    > End If
    > End if
    > Next
    > End Sub
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > news:1141609350.642906.75020@e56g2000cwe.googlegroups.com...
    > > Yes, there is a Project worksheet in the Projects.xls workbook, which
    > > is hidden. There is no data in this worksheet, as it is used in the
    > > macro to create new Project worksheets. Projects2.xls is basically a
    > > copy of Projects.xls, with the exception of approximately 6 objects,
    > > which have been deleted or changed from drop downs/checkboxes to option
    > > buttons. Therefore, Projects2.xls also has this hidden worksheet -
    > > Project - which is also empty (no data) because it's used in the macro
    > > to create new Project worksheets. The code is the same as what you
    > > provided last. I've tried some variations, but all resulting the same.
    > >
    > > It's not a big deal. We'll just have to have the users run the
    > > mcrNewProject macro in the new workbook prior to running the code to
    > > copy the data. You helped tremendously already!
    > >
    > > Thanks!
    > >

  11. #11
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    I would advise you to look very carefully at your results before declaring
    that they work.

    Tom Ogilvy

    <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > Tom,
    > Thank you for revising the code to help me out! I tried it, and it
    > improved the issue a bit. It no longer copied the Project (2) data to
    > the Project worksheet of the new workbook. However, it still didn't
    > run the macro and create new sheets as necessary. But, guess what? I
    > was able to manipulate your code to make it work! Here's what ended up
    > working:
    > Sub CopyData()
    > '
    > ' CopyData Macro
    > '
    > Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    > Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    > Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    > Dim s As String
    > Dim ar As Range
    > Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    > Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")
    > s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    > For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    > If Sh1.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
    > On Error Resume Next
    > Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    > Else
    > Run "Projects2.xls!McrNewProject"
    > End If
    > For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    > Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    > ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    > Next
    > Next
    > End Sub
    > Tom, I can't thank you enough for your help! This is terrific!
    > Tina
    > Tom Ogilvy wrote:
    > > Sub CopyData()
    > > '
    > > ' CopyData Macro
    > > '
    > >
    > > Dim Bk1 As Workbook
    > > Dim Bk2 As Workbook
    > > Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet
    > > Dim s As String
    > > Dim ar As Range
    > > Set Bk1 = Workbooks("Projects.xls")
    > > Set Bk2 = Workbooks("Projects2.xls")
    > >
    > > s = "A3:X8,A10:G14,A16:G16,H14:X19,A25:X92,A101:FY101"
    > > For Each Sh1 In Bk1.Worksheets
    > > if sh1.Visible = xlSheetVisible then
    > > On Error Resume Next
    > > Set Sh2 = Bk2.Worksheets(Sh1.Name)
    > > On Error GoTo 0
    > > If Not Sh2 Is Nothing Then
    > > For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    > > ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    > > Next
    > > Else
    > > Run "Projects2.xls!McrNewProject"
    > > set Sh2 = Activesheet
    > > Sh2.name = Sh1.Name
    > > For Each ar In Sh1.Range(s).Areas
    > > ar.Copy Destination:=Sh2.Range(ar.Address)
    > > Next
    > >
    > > End If
    > > End if
    > > Next
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > > Tom Ogilvy
    > >
    > >
    > > <dmbluv@comcast.net> wrote in message
    > > news:1141609350.642906.75020@e56g2000cwe.googlegroups.com...
    > > > Yes, there is a Project worksheet in the Projects.xls workbook, which
    > > > is hidden. There is no data in this worksheet, as it is used in the
    > > > macro to create new Project worksheets. Projects2.xls is basically a
    > > > copy of Projects.xls, with the exception of approximately 6 objects,
    > > > which have been deleted or changed from drop downs/checkboxes to

    > > > buttons. Therefore, Projects2.xls also has this hidden worksheet -
    > > > Project - which is also empty (no data) because it's used in the macro
    > > > to create new Project worksheets. The code is the same as what you
    > > > provided last. I've tried some variations, but all resulting the

    > > >
    > > > It's not a big deal. We'll just have to have the users run the
    > > > mcrNewProject macro in the new workbook prior to running the code to
    > > > copy the data. You helped tremendously already!
    > > >
    > > > Thanks!
    > > >


  12. #12

    Re: Import/Copy some data from one workbook to a similar workbook

    Hi Tom,

    After further testing, problems became apparent. The bad? The code
    will run the macro to create a new worksheet, but inconsistently. The
    good? The code would copy the correct data from 'n' named sheet in one
    workbook to the same 'n' named sheet in the second workbook, just not
    for all worksheets if the macro didn't create them as necessary. I
    know my results are because I changed the code, but at least the change
    started running the macro to create new worksheets, which it was not
    doing before. My goal was to try and separate the two actions in the
    code. In a sense, first compare the worksheets and ensure there were
    the same number of worksheets with the same name; if not, run the macro
    to generate new worksheets. Secondly, go back and copy data from one
    worksheet to same named worksheet in new workbook.

    Well, we're running out of time, so we have to change direction.

    Again, thanks for all your help. It's a shame we couldn't get this to
    work! :O(

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