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writing formulas in VB - referring to the values contained in cell

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  1. #1

    writing formulas in VB - referring to the values contained in cell

    I'm new to writing code from scratch and I'm struggling with something.

    Basically I have a row of numbers and beneath it I need a row which is the %
    value that the number above is of the leftmost number. ie:

    50 42 8
    84 16

    The row is a different number on every sheet so I can't use specific cell
    references. I've managed to name all the cells that's not the problem, but
    I'm unsure of the syntax for the mathmatical formula.

    per1 = (p2 / (p1 / 100)) where p2 and p1 are names of cells, and per1 is a
    string isn't working.

  2. #2

    RE: writing formulas in VB - referring to the values contained in cell

    OK, I've realised that wasn't very clear. I've made some progress actually

    -irrelevant code-
    Dim per1 As String
    per1 = "=sum(" & r3 & ":" & r4 & ")/(=sum(" & r1 & ":" & r2 & ")/100)"
    ActiveCell.formula = per1

    It's sticking at the final line. When you look at the Excel file, the
    correct cell is selected, but the value's not there.

    "Josie" wrote:

    > I'm new to writing code from scratch and I'm struggling with something.
    > Basically I have a row of numbers and beneath it I need a row which is the %
    > value that the number above is of the leftmost number. ie:
    > 50 42 8
    > 84 16
    > The row is a different number on every sheet so I can't use specific cell
    > references. I've managed to name all the cells that's not the problem, but
    > I'm unsure of the syntax for the mathmatical formula.
    > per1 = (p2 / (p1 / 100)) where p2 and p1 are names of cells, and per1 is a
    > string isn't working.

  3. #3

    Re: writing formulas in VB - referring to the values contained in cell

    Hi Josie,

    given your r1 through r4 are variables, the following should work:
    Dim R1 As String
    Dim R2 As String
    Dim R3 As String
    Dim R4 As String
    Dim per1 As String

    R1 = "B4"
    R2 = "H4"
    R3 = "B8"
    R4 = "H5"

    per1 = "=sum(" & R3 & ":" & R4 & ")/(sum(" & R1 & ":" & R2 & ")/100)"
    ActiveCell.Formula = per1

    Good luck

  4. #4

    Re: writing formulas in VB - referring to the values contained in

    Thanks Udo, but it's not working. I have a friend who's relatively good at
    this stuff, and he can't figure out what's wrong either. Driving me CRAZY.

    "Udo" wrote:

    > Hi Josie,
    > given your r1 through r4 are variables, the following should work:
    > Dim R1 As String
    > Dim R2 As String
    > Dim R3 As String
    > Dim R4 As String
    > Dim per1 As String
    > R1 = "B4"
    > R2 = "H4"
    > R3 = "B8"
    > R4 = "H5"
    > per1 = "=sum(" & R3 & ":" & R4 & ")/(sum(" & R1 & ":" & R2 & ")/100)"
    > ActiveCell.Formula = per1
    > Good luck
    > Udo

  5. #5

    Re: writing formulas in VB - referring to the values contained in

    Hi Josie,

    for few days I was looking for a way to reference in VBA a cell in
    another sheet.
    Only after I red this posting(s) I figure out the proper syntax. It
    wasn't working when the reference cell was in another workbook.
    The following is just to select a cell in sheet "c" knowing the column
    which is mentionated in a cell (A1) in sheet "a".
    Maybe will help in your situation.

    Sub findcell()
    Dim CN
    CN = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("a").Range("A1").Value
    Cells(1, CN).Select
    End Sub

    Good Luck

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