I am in the begining stages of creating a screen that will screen data on sheet2 based on conditions entered on sheet1. The data on sheet2 is formatted consistantly, as is the input layout on screen1. The problem I think I'm going to face, is there are about 20 possible criteria, and thousands of data on sheet2. Right now, I think I am limited to using If statements to screen, due to my ability, and this will make for alot of if statements. Most likely will kill my Excel (past experience). I am dealing with stock characteristics, to give you an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.

Example setup:
Sheet 1 (Fields(A:A)and Requirements(B:B))
Price >100
P/E <50

Sheet 2 will have the data, with different stocks down the rows, and the fields across the top.

Any advice on how to go about this? Is it possible to screen on only the fields that have inputs, versus running if statements on all possible criteria fields? Any and all help is appreciated. I will clarify anything if neccessary. Thanks