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using a cell value as graphic file address

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    using a cell value as graphic file address

    The problem is thusly:

    In a list of part numbers located in cells, I need to write a VB macro to use that part number to bring up the graphic image associated with that number.

    IE: Cell value is: DR3456

    Macro will take this value and find a graphic file:
    or somthing similar. I am locating the parts and associated part numbers from a drop down list in Excel. Maybe there is another simple solution to assoicate the graph with the part number.......

    Dis Boy is Puzzzled......


  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: using a cell value as graphic file address

    JE McGimpsey's site

    Tom Ogilvy

    "spydor" <spydor.23r49b_1140814202.1644@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:spydor.23r49b_1140814202.1644@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > The problem is thusly:
    > In a list of part numbers located in cells, I need to write a VB macro
    > to use that part number to bring up the graphic image associated with
    > that number.
    > IE: Cell value is: DR3456
    > Macro will take this value and find a graphic file:
    > C:/documents.pictures.jpeg
    > or somthing similar. I am locating the parts and associated part
    > numbers from a drop down list in Excel. Maybe there is another simple
    > solution to assoicate the graph with the part number.......
    > Dis Boy is Puzzzled......
    > Thanks,
    > Spydor
    > --
    > spydor
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > spydor's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516334

  3. #3

    Re: using a cell value as graphic file address

    I'm trying to help but I don't really understand your question.

    Is DR3456 the name of the picture you want to open or the Part Number?
    Are they different or are they the same?

    I don't understand this part: "I am locating the parts and associated
    part numbers from a drop down list in Excel." Does this mean that you
    have a list of part numbers in a range and the combobox, or whatever,
    is showing those numbers?
    If thats the case then you can use the value of the selected item,
    which I'm assuming is the part number, in the drop-down list in a
    VLookupFunction, and return the picture name. Then can open up the

    Here a sub that will insert pictures onto your worksheet.
    The name of the pictures are found in Cells "A1:A6"

    Public Sub InsertPicture()
    Dim pictureName As String
    Dim fileName As String
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A6")
    pictureName = cell.Value
    fileName = "C:\Program Files\Pictures\" & cell.Value & ".jpg"
    Next cell
    End Sub

    If I didn't help you too well, explain in more detail what you mean.

  4. #4

    Re: using a cell value as graphic file address

    I'm trying to help but I don't really understand your question.

    Is DR3456 the name of the picture you want to open or the Part Number?
    Are they different or are they the same?

    I don't understand this part: "I am locating the parts and associated
    part numbers from a drop down list in Excel." Does this mean that you
    have a list of part numbers in a range and the combobox, or whatever,
    is showing those numbers?
    If thats the case then you can use the value of the selected item,
    which I'm assuming is the part number, in the drop-down list in a
    VLookupFunction, and return the picture name. Then can open up the

    Here a sub that will insert pictures onto your worksheet.
    The name of the pictures are found in Cells "A1:A6"

    Public Sub InsertPicture()
    Dim pictureName As String
    Dim fileName As String
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A6")
    pictureName = cell.Value
    fileName = "C:\Program Files\Pictures\" & cell.Value & ".jpg"
    Next cell
    End Sub

    If I didn't help you too well, explain in more detail what you mean.

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