I think you'll find it the omission of "." before the Cells and Row.
Without that qualification, they refer to the sheet that is running the
code, whereas with it they obviously refer back to the object stated in the


"Punsterr" <punsterr@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I have a macro assigned to a "Hide Unused Rows Throughout Workbook"
> button that is located on the last worksheet in a workbook. I am
> writing individual subs to hide specific rows on each worksheet in the
> workbook. Below is a sample of one of those subs.
> I'm trying to write this as efficiently as possible. I previously had
> this set up using a sheets("sheetname").activate at the beginning of
> each subroutine. This worked fine, but even with the
> Application.Screenupdating set to False, the users could see the macro
> cycling through all of the various worksheets in the workbook as it hid
> the particular rows called for by the specific macro for each
> worksheet. Plus, it seemed to take longer than I would have liked.
> I thought I'd try the "With" function for each worksheet's "hide"
> macro, but that doesn't seem to work well if it's being called from
> another worksheet. Any thoughts?
> Sub HideUnusedRowsDiag()
> Application.ScreenUpdating = False
> With Sheets("Diag")
> If (Left(Cells(34, 1).Text, 12)) = "(Enter notes" Then
> Rows("34").EntireRow.Hidden = True
> Else
> Rows("34").EntireRow.Hidden = False
> End If
> End With
> Application.ScreenUpdating = True
> End Sub