i have a userform with two listboxes, and six optionbuttions. the
options buttons are split into 3 pairs of two. at the outset only the
first pair of option buttons is enabled. the following code tests to
see if more than one selection is made in a listbox, and if it is, then
enables a relevant pair of option buttons.

Private Sub Listbox1_change()
'check to see if there is a multiple selection
Dim i As Integer
Dim Acount As Integer
Acount = 0

With Userform1.Listbox1
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
Acount = Acount + 1
End If
Next i
End With
If Acount > 1 Then
Userform1.OptionButton5.Enabled = True
Userform1.OptionButton6.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

this code works fine, when i run the code, by stepping through it. In
fact i don't need the Userform1.Repaint line, when i run it this way.
But the appearance of the userform doesn't change when i run the code
normally. Is there some other trick to getting this change to happen?

thanks for your help.