The last instruction of the macro below is to open the original file, but it fails to do so.
I have no idea why?
As always, this forums help is greatly appreciated.
[Begin macro]
Sub Save_As()
' Save_As Macro
' Macro recorded 1/3/2006 by rstanich
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+x
Dim sDcode As String 'Date Code as String
Dim sScode As String 'Serial Number Code as String
Dim sFname1 As String 'File Name of Original file as String
Dim vFname2 As Variant 'File Name of New file as Variable
Dim bOkToSave As Boolean 'True or False
Dim sPath As String 'Path variable
sPath = ThisWorkbook.path 'Get path of file
Worksheets("Sheet2").Select 'Select Work Sheet 2
sDcode = Range("D2").Value 'Select Cell D2 on Sheet 2
sScode = Range("C2").Value 'Select Cell C2 on Sheet 2
sFname1 = sPath & "\" & "0020-48183-fir_Cal-Precision.xls" 'Set File Name of Original file
vFname2 = sPath & "\" & "0020-48183-fir_Cal-Precision-" & sDcode & "-" & sScode & ".xls" 'Set new file name
'Create new file name begin
'Check if exists, exit if exists
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=vFname2, FileFormat:=xlNormal 'Self checks for existing file
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False 'Close new file
'Open original file
Workbooks.Open Filename:=sFname1
End Sub
[End Macro]