I have a macro which defines the active workbook as aWB and the open
workbook as oWB. I'd like to define cell data as in the active workbook
based on what's in the open workbook.
I'd like to have something like this:
Cells(i,"H").Value = formula with info from oWB.
It looks something like this:
=MATCH(G$3,[Book1]Sheet1!$33:$33) in the EXCEL worksheet.
Where [Book1] is the open workbook.
How do I write this formula so that I get the VALUE in the listed cell
instead of the formula? I can get the formula, but want the value.
Alternatively, I can copy paste/special each row of data before I close
oWB, but if there's a more elegant way, I'd like to use it.
Thanks in advance.
Barb Reinhardt