I have the following code in This Worksheet, which works fine. The problem
is that if someone makes a change to the file and clicks the "close" button,
they receive the normal, "do you want to save changes to the file . . " If
they click "yes", and the below test is true then the below msg, "You must
complete the highlighted fields" appears, which is also fine. But if a user
clicks, "OK" to that message, the close prompt, "do you want to save.. comes
up again, the user clicks Yes, then the message below comes up again, and
they both keep appearing.
How can I change or add to the code that will allow a user to click Yes when
asked if he or she wants to save changes and OK to the below message only
Thanks for your help.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
With Worksheets("Drawing Notice (Main Sheet) 1")
If .Range("C16").Value = "0" Or .Range("C16").Value = "" _
Or .Range("E16").Value = "1" Or .Range("E16").Value = "" _
Or .Range("G16").Value = "1" Or .Range("G16").Value = "" _
Or .Range("I16").Value = "1" Or .Range("I16").Value = "" _
MsgBox "You must complete the highlighted fields."
Cancel = True
End If
End With
End Sub