Well, most of the coding for the new quote module user form has been going well. I have however, hit a snag. In the code below there is a section that is causing an error. The debugger is saying the varible is not defined. However, where it is stopping is not exactly a varible. It is the name of a command button placed on the sheet mentioned in the same line. Other than having the code select the right sheet first (already incorporated into the code) I don't know how else to tell VBA that it is a command button on the sheet and not one on the UserForm.
Any help will be appreciated.
The offending code is as follows:
'Saves the New Quote in the template and disables the command button
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Name
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Start Here").Activate
cmdStartWizard.Enabled = False
cmdStartWizard.Caption = "Quote Wizard Disabled," & Chr(13) & " please use editing button."
And this is it in context of the entire click event:
Private Sub Image4_Click()
'Selects the quote sheet and activates
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Final Quote").Activate
'Changes the Quote Number to Increase by 1
Range("J4").Value = Range("J4").Value + 1
Range("J4").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Inserts the Deliverable Types into Cell J5
'Inserts the TAT and type into Cell M4, and N4 respectivly
Sheets("Final Quote").Range("M4").Value = txtTAT.Text
Sheets("Final Quote").Range("N4").Value = lbxTAType.Text
'Inserts the Project Reference into Cell J7
Sheets("Final Quote").Range("J7").Value = txtProjectReference
'Inserts the Company Name into Cell C12
Sheets("Final Quote").Range("C12").Value = cmbClientList
'Saves the file with a unique name
'Declares Variables of the file name for saved as function
Dim QNum As String
Dim CNam As String
Dim CrDt As String
Dim VNum As String
'Defines the variable names from Quote Form
CNam = Range("C12").Text
CrDt = Format(Now, "mmddyy")
VNum = Range("K4").Text
'Saves the New Quote in the template and disables the command button
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Name
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Start Here").Activate
cmdStartWizard.Enabled = False
cmdStartWizard.Caption = "Quote Wizard Disabled," & Chr(13) & " please use editing button."
'Defines the QNum varible to the new quote number after the template is saved to insure they_
'are saved with the same number
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Final Quote").Activate
QNum = Range("J4").Text
'Saves the New Quote as a unique file
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
"X:\_FEE SCHEDULE & QUOTE MODULE\Created Quotes\" & QNum & VNum & "-" & CNam _
& "-" & CrDt
'Disables step 1 and Shows step 2
End Sub
Here's to hope,