Hi there,

Not quite sure what you're after. But here's a formula to place in column 3
that will make column 3 contain a 1 when Toronto appears in either column A
or B.

=IF(OR(A1 ="Toronto", B1 = "Toronto"),1,0)

Are you trying to give all combinations a unique number no matter what order
they appear in ? Or maybe anything with Toronto gets a 1 then the next name
to appear in column A gets a 2 etc - so in your example column C would run
1,1,1,1 (by virtue of the fact that Toronto appear),2 ( for Missisauga) ,2 ?
"galin" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a spreadsheet with two columns. Here is an example:
> Toronto Missisauga
> Toronto North York
> Toronto East York
> Here I want the third column to assign 1 in all combinations where
> Toronto is first. Now further down I will have
> Missisauga Toronto
> Missisauga Brampton
> Missisauga Etobikoke
> I would like Missisauga - Toronto to remain 1 in hte third column, but
> for the other two a new number to be assigned.
> I hope this is clear. The process shouldn't be very complicated. It can
> do it one at the time so I can pick thenumbers to be assigned.
> Thank you
> --
> galin
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