I am using the below routine, which I found in this newsgroup, but instead of saving the file as Postingsum011706.iif, it renames the current sheet, I don't want to change the worksheet name, I want to change the file name for Postingsum plus date, which is located in field C4.

Public Sub PostingSumSave()

Dim sStr As String
Const sDateCell As String = "c4"
Const SPath As String = "C:\access\"
sStr = Format(Range(sDateCell), "mmddyy")
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SPath & "PostingSum" & sStr & ".iif", _
FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False
If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "The Posting Summary for this week has been created, Saving and closing Workbook"

End Sub

I am also having problems suppressing the save messages, but I think that is related to it renaming the sheet, then of course it is asking to save the workbook.