I have a situation where I am copying files from a "common files" folder into
individual folders. Then I have to change the links to refer to the newly
copied files within each folder. I keep getting "Runtime error '1004'
Method 'ChangeLink' of object '_Workbook' failed"

It doesn't seem to matter whether I use absolute addresses or variables.
I've tried the following:

ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink Name:= _
"C:\BudDataRun\Common Files\INPUTSHEETABA-GF.xls", NewName:= _
"C:\BudDataRun\Gen Fund Budget\N-E0011\INPUTSHEETABA-GF.xls", Type:= _
(The macro recorder used the Name:= and NewName:= labels)

'ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink "C:\BudDataRun\Common
'"INPUTSHEETABA-GF.xls", xlExcelLinks

'ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink RootDirectoryName & CommonFolder &
ABAFile, _
'RootDirectoryName & FilePathName & FilePathName2 & ABAFile,

All variations get the same error message.
I'm running on Windows XP if that makes any difference.