Hi thepython
Outlook or Outlook Express
Regards Ron de Bruin
"thepython" <thepython.21shwb_1137519311.3986@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in message
> Re Excel 2002
> I am using the following to open an Outlook new mail window with the
> attached workbook:-
> objExcel.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show strInvoiceEmailAddress, "Latest
> invoice attached"
> I first saved the file so that the attachment would get a more
> meaningful name.
> I then want to delete the saved file with Kill... but the code does not
> wait until the Outlook window is closed.
> My query is this: is it possible to give the attachmnet a different
> name to the default "Book1.xls", or how do I pause the code so that I
> can delete the saved file and not get a message to say the file is in
> use?
> Many thanks.
> --
> thepython
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