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Auto fill form with data from worksheet

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  1. #1

    Auto fill form with data from worksheet


    I've created a user form, for the first time ever. The form is simply a
    series of text boxes for data input with a couple of command buttons. I can
    fill the text boxes in and it writes the data to the correct columns on the
    correct worksheet. Great, but its a long form and it takes a while to fill

    Some of the data is already present in another worksheet, So to save data
    entry time, I wanted to add a text box to allow the user to enter a reference
    number, then add a command button that when clicked will find the reference
    entered, by searching column A of a worksheet. Then I want the form to
    autofill some of the other text boxes on the form with the data on the
    worksheet from columns in the same row as the entered reference. If the
    reference does not exist I want it to say so!

    Problem, I'm no good at this yet and whilst I can get my form to write to a
    worksheet I cant get it to read from one and autofill my text boxes.

    Assuming this is possible, can anybody help / give me some tips? Any help
    would be very much appreciated.



  2. #2

    RE: Auto fill form with data from worksheet

    Use something like this. The variable "MyRef" will assigned from
    your textbox i.e. MyRef=Textbox6.value

    You could call FillForm from the appropriate Userform macro

    HTH go get you started.

    Sub FillForm(MyRef As String)

    Dim ws1 As Worksheet
    Dim RefRng As Range

    Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") ' <=== change as required

    With ws1
    lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    Set RefRng = .Range("a2:a" & lastrow)
    ' Look for mYRef in RefRng i.e. column A
    res = Application.Match(MyRef, RefRng, 0)
    If IsError(res) Then
    MsgBox MyRef & " not found."
    refrow = res + 1 ' Assumes data starts in row 2
    ' Sample for assigning data to textbox from cell
    Userform1.Textbox1.Value = Cells(refrow, 3) ' <===puts data form
    Column C in textbox1
    ' add your code
    End If
    End With

    End Sub

    "mg_sv_r" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I've created a user form, for the first time ever. The form is simply a
    > series of text boxes for data input with a couple of command buttons. I can
    > fill the text boxes in and it writes the data to the correct columns on the
    > correct worksheet. Great, but its a long form and it takes a while to fill
    > out.
    > Some of the data is already present in another worksheet, So to save data
    > entry time, I wanted to add a text box to allow the user to enter a reference
    > number, then add a command button that when clicked will find the reference
    > entered, by searching column A of a worksheet. Then I want the form to
    > autofill some of the other text boxes on the form with the data on the
    > worksheet from columns in the same row as the entered reference. If the
    > reference does not exist I want it to say so!
    > Problem, I'm no good at this yet and whilst I can get my form to write to a
    > worksheet I cant get it to read from one and autofill my text boxes.
    > Assuming this is possible, can anybody help / give me some tips? Any help
    > would be very much appreciated.
    > Thanks
    > John

  3. #3

    RE: Auto fill form with data from worksheet

    Thanks Toppers,

    Much appreciated, thats a big help!

    "Toppers" wrote:

    > John,
    > Use something like this. The variable "MyRef" will assigned from
    > your textbox i.e. MyRef=Textbox6.value
    > You could call FillForm from the appropriate Userform macro
    > (Commandbutton-Click).
    > HTH go get you started.
    > Sub FillForm(MyRef As String)
    > Dim ws1 As Worksheet
    > Dim RefRng As Range
    > Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") ' <=== change as required
    > With ws1
    > lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    > Set RefRng = .Range("a2:a" & lastrow)
    > ' Look for mYRef in RefRng i.e. column A
    > res = Application.Match(MyRef, RefRng, 0)
    > If IsError(res) Then
    > MsgBox MyRef & " not found."
    > Else
    > refrow = res + 1 ' Assumes data starts in row 2
    > ' Sample for assigning data to textbox from cell
    > Userform1.Textbox1.Value = Cells(refrow, 3) ' <===puts data form
    > Column C in textbox1
    > ' add your code
    > End If
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > "mg_sv_r" wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > I've created a user form, for the first time ever. The form is simply a
    > > series of text boxes for data input with a couple of command buttons. I can
    > > fill the text boxes in and it writes the data to the correct columns on the
    > > correct worksheet. Great, but its a long form and it takes a while to fill
    > > out.
    > >
    > > Some of the data is already present in another worksheet, So to save data
    > > entry time, I wanted to add a text box to allow the user to enter a reference
    > > number, then add a command button that when clicked will find the reference
    > > entered, by searching column A of a worksheet. Then I want the form to
    > > autofill some of the other text boxes on the form with the data on the
    > > worksheet from columns in the same row as the entered reference. If the
    > > reference does not exist I want it to say so!
    > >
    > > Problem, I'm no good at this yet and whilst I can get my form to write to a
    > > worksheet I cant get it to read from one and autofill my text boxes.
    > >
    > > Assuming this is possible, can anybody help / give me some tips? Any help
    > > would be very much appreciated.
    > >
    > > Thanks
    > >
    > > John
    > >

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