
I have a spreadsheet with > 40,000 rows. An abbreviated example:
Date RecNum Code Amt Secondary
1/1/2005 453654 44324 550.54 no
12/24/2004 546676 54161 65.66 no
12/24/2004 546676 44970 900.44 no
12/24/2004 546676 43830 no
7/2/2003 54161 54640 773.21 no

The problem:
I need to identify dates where the RecNum occurs more than once. All
but one occurrence on the same date should have the secondary column as
'yes'. (In other words, if one RecNum (=person) has several codes on
the same day, one of the codes is primary, and all the others are
secondary. Ideally, I would look at amount to decide which is the
primary code and which are the secondary (biggest amount = primary).
Sometimes, no amount is given (ie, the data is crappy).

I assume I need to create a new column of date + RecNum (?), then check
for duplicates, and use an if..then conditional to compare amounts...

Any guidance would be appreciated....