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Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

  1. #1
    Barb Reinhardt

    Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    I have the following snippet of code (thanks to someone here)

    Public SummaryMin As Date
    Public SummaryMax As Date
    Public SummaryDate As Date

    SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary Reporting
    Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    SummaryMax) Then
    MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    End If
    Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=

    It works fine unless I cancel. I get a RUNTIME error, type 13.

    Barb Reinhardt

  2. #2

    RE: Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    As one of the previous respondents: you omitted the following
    statement after the Inputbox line (which was in the earlier postings):

    If SummaryDate = False then exit sub ' User cancelled

    FYI: the code posted by JE McGimpsey is "better" than mine in that it
    automatically checks for an invalid date e.g 32/1/06 as it set the TYPE
    parameter to 1; you might want to refer and change to it.

    "Barb Reinhardt" wrote:

    > I have the following snippet of code (thanks to someone here)
    > Public SummaryMin As Date
    > Public SummaryMax As Date
    > Public SummaryDate As Date
    > Do
    > SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary Reporting
    > Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    > SummaryMin))
    > If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > SummaryMax) Then
    > MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    > End If
    > Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > SummaryMax)
    > It works fine unless I cancel. I get a RUNTIME error, type 13.
    > Thanks,
    > Barb Reinhardt

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    Dim SummaryMin As Date
    Dim SummaryMax As Date
    Dim SummaryDate As Date
    Dim sSummaryDate as String
    Dim msg1 as String

    msg1 = "Enter Summary Reporting Date between " & _
    SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax
    sSummaryDate = MsgBox(msg1, _
    "Reporting Date",SummaryMin)
    if sSummaryDate = "" then Exit sub
    SummaryDate = cDate(sSummaryDate)
    If SummaryDate < SummaryMin or _
    SummaryDate > SummaryMax Then
    MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    End If
    Loop Until SummaryDate >= SummaryMin And _
    SummaryDate <= SummaryMax

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Barb Reinhardt" <reply@tonewsgroup.com> wrote in message
    > I have the following snippet of code (thanks to someone here)
    > Public SummaryMin As Date
    > Public SummaryMax As Date
    > Public SummaryDate As Date
    > Do
    > SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary Reporting
    > Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    > SummaryMin))
    > If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > SummaryMax) Then
    > MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    > End If
    > Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > SummaryMax)
    > It works fine unless I cancel. I get a RUNTIME error, type 13.
    > Thanks,
    > Barb Reinhardt

  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    Whoops - used msgbox instead of inputbox -

    Dim SummaryMin As Date
    Dim SummaryMax As Date
    Dim SummaryDate As Date
    Dim sSummaryDate as String
    Dim msg1 as String

    msg1 = "Enter Summary Reporting Date between " & _
    SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax
    sSummaryDate = InputBox(msg1, _
    "Reporting Date",SummaryMin)
    if sSummaryDate = "" then Exit sub
    SummaryDate = cDate(sSummaryDate)
    If SummaryDate < SummaryMin or _
    SummaryDate > SummaryMax Then
    MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    End If
    Loop Until SummaryDate >= SummaryMin And _
    SummaryDate <= SummaryMax

    If you want to validate that it is a date, then post back with how you want
    to handle it.
    Tom Ogilvy

    "Tom Ogilvy" <twogilvy@msn.com> wrote in message
    > Dim SummaryMin As Date
    > Dim SummaryMax As Date
    > Dim SummaryDate As Date
    > Dim sSummaryDate as String
    > Dim msg1 as String
    > msg1 = "Enter Summary Reporting Date between " & _
    > SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax
    > Do
    > sSummaryDate = MsgBox(msg1, _
    > "Reporting Date",SummaryMin)
    > if sSummaryDate = "" then Exit sub
    > SummaryDate = cDate(sSummaryDate)
    > If SummaryDate < SummaryMin or _
    > SummaryDate > SummaryMax Then
    > MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    > End If
    > Loop Until SummaryDate >= SummaryMin And _
    > SummaryDate <= SummaryMax
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy
    > "Barb Reinhardt" <reply@tonewsgroup.com> wrote in message
    > news:uih%2301oHGHA.1728@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
    > > I have the following snippet of code (thanks to someone here)
    > >
    > > Public SummaryMin As Date
    > > Public SummaryMax As Date
    > > Public SummaryDate As Date
    > >
    > > Do
    > > SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary

    > > Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    > > SummaryMin))
    > > If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > > SummaryMax) Then
    > > MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    > > End If
    > > Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > > SummaryMax)
    > >
    > > It works fine unless I cancel. I get a RUNTIME error, type 13.
    > >
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > > Barb Reinhardt
    > >
    > >
    > >


  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
    Join Date
    England: London and Lincolnshire
    summaryDate is declared as a variant
    if cancel is pressed a zero length string is returned. by testing for this and setting summary date to an out-of-range value the code is kept ok.

    SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary Reporting
    Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",

    if summarydate="" then summarydate=summarymin-1

    If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    SummaryMax) Then
    MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    End If
    Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=

  6. #6
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    You are confusing the Excel Inputbox with the VBA inputbox. The vba
    inputbox which is called with just

    res = InputBox()

    does return a zero length string when cancel is selected. However, Topper
    is using the Excel InputBox called with

    res = Application.InputBox()

    According to help:

    "If you click the Cancel button, InputBox returns False."

    Tom Ogilvy

    "tony h" <tony.h.21zm5b_1137851402.0034@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:tony.h.21zm5b_1137851402.0034@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > summaryDate is declared as a variant
    > if cancel is pressed a zero length string is returned. by testing for
    > this and setting summary date to an out-of-range value the code is kept
    > ok.
    > SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary Reporting
    > Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    > SummaryMin))
    > if summarydate="" then summarydate=summarymin-1
    > If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > SummaryMax) Then
    > MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    > End If
    > Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > SummaryMax)
    > --
    > tony h
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > tony h's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=503611

  7. #7
    Barb Reinhardt

    Re: Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    Actually, I don't want to exit the sub if they've cancelled. I want it to
    loop back and ensure that they've entered a date. Otherwise, other parts of
    subsequent code will gack.

    "Toppers" <Toppers@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Barb,
    > As one of the previous respondents: you omitted the following
    > statement after the Inputbox line (which was in the earlier postings):
    > If SummaryDate = False then exit sub ' User cancelled
    > FYI: the code posted by JE McGimpsey is "better" than mine in that it
    > automatically checks for an invalid date e.g 32/1/06 as it set the TYPE
    > parameter to 1; you might want to refer and change to it.
    > "Barb Reinhardt" wrote:
    >> I have the following snippet of code (thanks to someone here)
    >> Public SummaryMin As Date
    >> Public SummaryMax As Date
    >> Public SummaryDate As Date
    >> Do
    >> SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary Reporting
    >> Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    >> SummaryMin))
    >> If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    >> SummaryMax) Then
    >> MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    >> End If
    >> Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    >> SummaryMax)
    >> It works fine unless I cancel. I get a RUNTIME error, type 13.
    >> Thanks,
    >> Barb Reinhardt

  8. #8
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Cancel on INPUTBOX macro causes error

    What happens if the user actually wants to cancel? It is bad form not to
    allow the user a means to escape.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Barb Reinhardt" <reply@tonewsgroup.com> wrote in message
    > Actually, I don't want to exit the sub if they've cancelled. I want it to
    > loop back and ensure that they've entered a date. Otherwise, other parts

    > subsequent code will gack.
    > "Toppers" <Toppers@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:5F6A046C-9023-4FFC-8434-62E805709BBD@microsoft.com...
    > > Barb,
    > > As one of the previous respondents: you omitted the

    > > statement after the Inputbox line (which was in the earlier postings):
    > >
    > > If SummaryDate = False then exit sub ' User cancelled
    > >
    > > FYI: the code posted by JE McGimpsey is "better" than mine in that it
    > > automatically checks for an invalid date e.g 32/1/06 as it set the TYPE
    > > parameter to 1; you might want to refer and change to it.
    > >
    > >
    > > "Barb Reinhardt" wrote:
    > >
    > >> I have the following snippet of code (thanks to someone here)
    > >>
    > >> Public SummaryMin As Date
    > >> Public SummaryMax As Date
    > >> Public SummaryDate As Date
    > >>
    > >> Do
    > >> SummaryDate = DateValue(Application.InputBox("Enter Summary

    > >> Date between " & SummaryMin & " and " & SummaryMax, "Reporting Date",
    > >> SummaryMin))
    > >> If Not Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate <=
    > >> SummaryMax) Then
    > >> MsgBox "Invalid date. Please re-enter"
    > >> End If
    > >> Loop Until Application.And(SummaryDate >= SummaryMin, SummaryDate

    > >> SummaryMax)
    > >>
    > >> It works fine unless I cancel. I get a RUNTIME error, type 13.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Thanks,
    > >> Barb Reinhardt
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


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