Hello all, I hope I'm posting this in the correct place and am grateful for any assistance anyone can offer.

I've been asked to setup a Purchase Order form which I'm hoping I can do in Excel although I'm not sure how much it is capable of.

I've setup a basic layout and done some basic stuff like having it auto insert the correct date when it's opened and created a button to clear the sheet etc.

Now what I want is a button or a series of buttons that when pressed will, Print the sheet, Email the sheet (Possible?) to someone (same person everytime), clear the sheet, increase the Order No' by 1 and then save it ready for the next person.

Now I know how to record a macro to save, print and clear the sheet when pressed but no idea how to the email/number increase. Anyone know how or if this at all possible, also is it all possible with 1 button click?

Would I be better off trying to do this in Access or something?

Once again, I appreciate any assistance and I hope this makes some sense to somone.