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Displaying Multiple values with message boxes

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Displaying Multiple values with message boxes

    Is there a way to display startvalue,endvalue and duration in one message box(the one for durationcheck)?
    I have the following code but startvalue,endvalue, and duration are all in separte message boxes. The message box has to give the option of yes/no to the user

    startcheck = MsgBox(startvalue, vbOKOnly, "The cycles will be processed with the following start time:")
    endcheck = MsgBox(endvalue, vbokkonly, "The cycles will be processed until the following end time:")
    DurationCheck = MsgBox(duration, vbYesNo, "Would you like to continue processing the cycles with the following duration in hours?")
    Select Case DurationCheck
    Case vbYes
    'do nothing
    Case vbNo
    'exit macro
    Exit Sub
    End Select


  2. #2
    Steve Yandl

    Re: Displaying Multiple values with message boxes

    Try something like what I have below. The string value strMsg could be
    built on a single line or the way I have it.

    strMsg = "Cycles to be processed with start time: " & startValue
    strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & "Cycles to be processed until end time: " &
    strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & "This will be a duration of " & duration
    DurationCheck = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo, "Would you like to continue
    processing the cycles with the following duration in hours?")
    Select Case DurationCheck
    Case vbYes
    'do nothing
    Case vbNo
    'exit macro
    Exit Sub
    End Select

    Steve Yandl

    "Dani" <Dani.21ftna_1136928002.7442@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in message
    > Is there a way to display startvalue,endvalue and duration in one
    > message box(the one for durationcheck)?
    > I have the following code but startvalue,endvalue, and duration are all
    > in separte message boxes. The message box has to give the option of
    > yes/no to the user
    > startcheck = MsgBox(startvalue, vbOKOnly, "The cycles will be processed
    > with the following start time:")
    > endcheck = MsgBox(endvalue, vbokkonly, "The cycles will be processed
    > until the following end time:")
    > DurationCheck = MsgBox(duration, vbYesNo, "Would you like to continue
    > processing the cycles with the following duration in hours?")
    > Select Case DurationCheck
    > Case vbYes
    > 'do nothing
    > Case vbNo
    > 'exit macro
    > Exit Sub
    > End Select
    > thanks
    > dani
    > --
    > Dani
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Dani's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=23542
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499910

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