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I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Exclamation I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    I have 3 tables running down a spreadsheet that are 3 columns across like so:

    dd-008 etc are just names of boards.

    | dd-008 | acrylic | 0 |
    | dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    | db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    | da-006 | acrylic | 0 |

    There are breaks between the tables..like this one

    | dd-004 | acrylic | 10 |
    | dc-002 | merlex | 0 |
    | da-010 | merlex | 20 |
    | da-016 | acrylic | 5 |

    There are breaks between the tables..like this one

    | db-006 | acrylic | 0 |
    | ds-008 | merlex | 0 |
    | dc-018 | merlex | 10 |
    | dd-004 | acrylic | 20 |

    My question is, without deleting the row, is there anyway to delete the values in the rows with a zero and move all the values below it up?

    For example, the tables would then look like this:

    | dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    | db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    | dd-004 | acrylic | 10 |
    | da-010 | merlex | 20 |

    There are breaks between the tables..like this one

    | da-016 | acrylic | 5 |
    | dc-018 | merlex | 10 |
    | dd-004 | acrylic | 20 |

    I have worked hours on this with no luck...any ideas?
    Last edited by grahamhurlburt; 01-06-2006 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    On Fri, 6 Jan 2006 14:13:02 -0600, grahamhurlburt
    <grahamhurlburt.218bz0_1136578515.2777@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:

    >I have tables running down a spreadsheet that are 3 columns across like
    >dd-008 etc are just names of boards.
    >| dd-008 | acrylic | 0 |
    >| dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    >| db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    >| da-006 | acrylic | 0 |
    >There are breaks between the tables..like this one
    >| dd-004 | acrylic | 10 |
    >| dc-002 | merlex | 0 |
    >| da-010 | merlex | 20 |
    >| da-016 | acrylic | 5 |
    >My question is, without deleting the row, is there anyway to delete the
    >values in the rows with a zero and move all the values below it up?
    >For example, the two tables would then look like this:
    >| dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    >| db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    >| dd-004 | acrylic | 10 |
    >| da-010 | merlex | 20 |
    >There are breaks between the tables..like this one
    >| da-016 | acrylic | 5 |
    > I have worked hours on this with no luck...any ideas?

    It's easy to filter out the blank and non-zero rows. But I don't understand
    the logic in the filtered list having a break prior to the last row ???

    In any event, label your columns. Let's call them:

    Label Type Quantity

    Then select the ENTIRE table, including the breaks between them.

    Then Data/Filter/Autofilter

    If you just want to remove the 0's, click on the down arrow next to quantity
    and select Custom; then Quantity does not equal 0

    Label Type Quantity
    dc-004 acrylic 20
    db-012 merlex 40

    dd-004 acrylic 10
    da-010 merlex 20
    da-016 acrylic 5

    If you also want to filter the breaks, with a column other than quantity, click
    on the down arrow and select "non-blanks"

    Label Type Quantity
    dc-004 acrylic 20
    db-012 merlex 40
    dd-004 acrylic 10
    da-010 merlex 20
    da-016 acrylic 5


  3. #3

    Re: I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    graham -

    you left out some key info, but I made assumptions:

    - are the blocks you want to keep always 4 rows?
    - are the spaces between blocks always teh same number of rows?

    I assumed yes. The code below will do what you want.
    turn off screen updating to move faster
    suggest you insert a line to copy the data in case the macro crashes or get
    inturrupted - that way you don't lose it

    cheers - voodooJoe

    Sub X()

    'id your range
    Set rng = Selection

    'set range values to array & clear the range
    'the values are in the array
    aydata = rng

    'this will track where to put the data
    desrow = 1

    'loop thru the array
    For i = LBound(aydata) To UBound(aydata)
    'if the value in the 3rd column is not equal to zero
    If aydata(i, 3) <> 0 Then
    'write the row to the spreadsheet
    For j = 1 To 3
    rng.Cells(desrow, j) = aydata(i, j)
    Next j
    'skip to nuext row UNLESS this is the 4th row in the block, then
    skip 2 rows
    If desrow / 4 = Int(desrow / 4) Then desrow = desrow + 2 Else desrow
    = desrow + 1

    End If

    Next i

    End Sub

    <grahamhurlburt.218bz0_1136578515.2777@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:grahamhurlburt.218bz0_1136578515.2777@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > I have tables running down a spreadsheet that are 3 columns across like
    > so:
    > dd-008 etc are just names of boards.
    > | dd-008 | acrylic | 0 |
    > | dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    > | db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    > | da-006 | acrylic | 0 |
    > There are breaks between the tables..like this one
    > | dd-004 | acrylic | 10 |
    > | dc-002 | merlex | 0 |
    > | da-010 | merlex | 20 |
    > | da-016 | acrylic | 5 |
    > My question is, without deleting the row, is there anyway to delete the
    > values in the rows with a zero and move all the values below it up?
    > For example, the two tables would then look like this:
    > | dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    > | db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    > | dd-004 | acrylic | 10 |
    > | da-010 | merlex | 20 |
    > There are breaks between the tables..like this one
    > | da-016 | acrylic | 5 |
    > I have worked hours on this with no luck...any ideas?
    > --
    > grahamhurlburt
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > grahamhurlburt's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29878
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=498835

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks voodooJoe, you're script works perfectly on the table examples! Sorry I didn't give you more info.. I thought someone would just point me in the right direction and give me a kick..I was really excited to see a working script made up!

    However, putting it into action on the actual spreadsheet has created some issues..you guys seem to know everything tho..

    The ranges for the actual tables are B18:D32, B52:D83, B104:D135. There is a bunch of other stuff in between the tables, merged cells and whatnot.. Here is the script I am using, it keeps dropping the rows from the second and third tables..any ideas?

    Sub X()

    'id your range
    Set rng = Range("B18:D32,B52:D83,B104:D135")

    'set range values to array & clear the range
    'the values are in the array
    aydata = rng

    'this will track where to put the data
    desrow = 1

    'loop thru the array
    For i = LBound(aydata) To UBound(aydata)
    'if the value in the 3rd column is not equal to zero
    If aydata(i, 3) <> 0 Then
    'write the row to the spreadsheet
    For j = 1 To 3
    rng.Cells(desrow, j) = aydata(i, j)
    Next j
    'skip to next row UNLESS this is the 4th row in the block, then skip 2 rows
    If desrow / 15 = Int(desrow / 15) Then desrow = desrow + 20 Else desrow = desrow + 1

    End If

    Next i

    End Sub

  5. #5

    Re: I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    Are there the same number of rows in each table, and between each
    table? That is, do you have four rows in a table, maybe one blank row,
    four more table rows, one blank row, and so forth?

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    1st table: 15 rows
    19 row space
    2nd table: 32 rows
    20 row space
    3rd table: 32 rows

    Also, underneath the product code (ex. da-004) there is sometimes a description, for example:

    | dc-004 | acrylic | 20 |
    | db-012 | merlex | 40 |
    | dd-004 | acrylic | 0 |
    | da-010 | merlex | 20 |

    Is there anyway to add a line in the function that allows the description (always longer than 10 characters) to remain if the above product code remained? But if the above code is deleted, it would be too..

    Last edited by grahamhurlburt; 01-07-2006 at 03:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Any ideas?

  8. #8

    Re: I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    If you're moving your information between tables, can you lump the
    tables together on another worksheet and refer to those cells from the
    current tables? That is, B18 in your table area would reference A1 in
    the contiguous table, C18 would reference B1, D18 would ref C1. B19
    references A2, C19 refs B2, D19 refs C2, and so on. B52 would
    reference the row after the one B32 references.

    This way you should be able to easily modify voodooJoe's code to work
    on the contiguous data and have it display correctly in your tables.

  9. #9

    Re: I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    Could you put your table data into a contiguous area (either on the
    same sheet or on a separate sheet) and refer to that data from your

    For instance, if the table data is on a sheet named "Tables" then B18
    refers to Tables!A1 (the formula in B18 would be "=Tables!A1"), C18
    refers to Tables!B1, D18 references Tables!C1. Row 19 in your original
    table area references row 2 on Tables, row 20 references Tables row 3,

    Original table row 32 would reference row 15 on the Tables sheet. Then
    you have your gap, and your second table beginning with B52 would
    reference Tables row 16, the data on row 53 refers to Tables row 17,
    and so on.

    You can use a modified (and now simpler) version of voodooJoe's code to
    massage the contiguous table data on the Table sheet, moving data up to
    fill in rows that become blank, and the original table areas, by always
    reading the same rows on the Tables sheet, are automatically filled in

    (Google's been coughing up hairballs trying to post my comments lately.
    You may already have seen a version of this comment, which I posted
    last night. If so, sorry. But I haven't seen it yet.)

  10. #10

    Re: I'm not even sure this is possible anymore!

    that's pretty bizarre. did it to me too.

    first i thought it may be the differing rows in the 3 areas, but no. i'm
    really not sure what to do.

    when you check the number of rows in rng, it returns 15 - the rows in area 1
    of the range.
    i guess you need to sum rows in all 4 areas then loop through all 4 areas
    with the aydata loop nested inside

    sorry, stumped and limited time today

    <grahamhurlburt.218tsm_1136601602.6527@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:grahamhurlburt.218tsm_1136601602.6527@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Thanks voodooJoe, you're script works perfectly on the table examples!
    > Sorry I didn't give you more info.. I thought someone would just point
    > me in the right direction and give me a kick..I was really excited to
    > see a working script made up!
    > However, putting it into action on the actual spreadsheet has created
    > some issues..you guys seem to know everything tho..
    > The ranges for the actual tables are B18:D32, B52:D83, B104:D135.
    > There is a bunch of other stuff in between the tables, merged cells and
    > whatnot.. Here is the script I am using, it keeps dropping the rows from
    > the second and third tables..any ideas?
    > Sub X()
    > 'id your range
    > Set rng = Range("B18:D32,B52:D83,B104:D135")
    > 'set range values to array & clear the range
    > 'the values are in the array
    > aydata = rng
    > rng.ClearContents
    > 'this will track where to put the data
    > desrow = 1
    > 'loop thru the array
    > For i = LBound(aydata) To UBound(aydata)
    > 'if the value in the 3rd column is not equal to zero
    > If aydata(i, 3) <> 0 Then
    > 'write the row to the spreadsheet
    > For j = 1 To 3
    > rng.Cells(desrow, j) = aydata(i, j)
    > Next j
    > 'skip to next row UNLESS this is the 4th row in the block, then skip 2
    > rows
    > If desrow / 15 = Int(desrow / 15) Then desrow = desrow + 20 Else desrow
    > = desrow + 1
    > End If
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > --
    > grahamhurlburt
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > grahamhurlburt's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=29878
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=498835

  11. #11
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Linc you genious...solved all the problems...

    and thanks again voodoojoe, the script runs perfectly now!

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