I thought I posted this question last Friday. But, I can't find it.
Maybe I didn't actually finish posting it.....
I have deigned a UserForm that will allow the user to enter some info
that will be copied to a worksheet when the user clicks the OK button.
There are about a dozen fields the user will enter info to.
I have code that will look at the textbox1 entry, and compare it with
the data already in column J of this list, and warn the user if this
data already exists.. This works fine, except that I would like it to
identify this duplicate as soon as the user tabs out of textbox1. Right
now, it will perform this check only after the OK button is clicked,
when the whole UserForm is completed. I'd like to save the user from
entering in all the data that will not be copied to the list anyway.
Here is the current code to perform the check to find a duplicate when
it compares the textbox1 entry vs entries in column J of the worksheet:
With Worksheets("Official list")
If Application.CountIf(.Range("j:j"), TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then
MsgBox "This PO/PL is already on the list. Please edit the existing
record "
TextBox1.Text = Clear
Application.Selection.Value = TextBox1.Text
End If
End With
Thanks for your help/suggestions.