I have a worksheet with a column with about 3000 rows of info in it. I
also have six other worksheets completely full (65536 each) that I need
to search through a column and then when I find a row that matches an
entry in one of those rows paste that row next to the correct number in
the 3000 entries. I don't know how to write macros, only simple
formulas. Is there an easy way to do this?

This is confusing so as an example here's the one 3000 row worksheet

aaa bob 123
bbb june 345
ccc fred 876
ddd mary 765

and I want to find all the values in the first colum (aaa, bbb, ccc,
ddd) that show up in here (each of the 65536 row worksheets)...

ddd toronto
zzz chicago
aaa new york
mmm boise
bbb portland
ddd miami

and end up with something that looks like this:

aaa bob 123 new york
bbb june 345 portland
ccc fred 876 NO ENTRY
ddd mary 765 miami

Except that I need to do this with !hundreds of thousands! of rows so
it can't take a super long time. Notice that when it couldn't find a
matching entry it put "NO ENTRY" in there. That's important because
there might be instances where the search term doesn't show up.

Thanks so much folks, I really appreciate it.
