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setfocus in textbox on multipage

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Guest setfocus in textbox on... 01-04-2006, 09:20 PM
Guest Re: setfocus in textbox on... 01-05-2006, 12:30 AM
Guest Re: setfocus in textbox on... 01-05-2006, 08:45 PM
Guest Re: setfocus in textbox on... 01-05-2006, 09:40 PM
Guest Re: setfocus in textbox on... 01-05-2006, 11:30 PM
Guest Re: setfocus in textbox on... 01-06-2006, 12:25 AM
  1. #1

    setfocus in textbox on multipage

    Userform1 has a multipage with two pages.

    Page1 has 8 textboxes - Text1 through Text8 and 3 comboboxes

    I would like Text1 to receive focus so data can be entered. My code worked
    fine on a regular userform but when I changed to a multipage Text1 does not
    receive focus - I am stumped. Appreciate any help.
    here is code to load
    Sub show_myform()
    Worksheets("Constants").Range("mysounds").Value = 2
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Hourly"
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Milage"
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
    UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "On"
    UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "Off"
    UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    Load UserForm1

    On Error Resume Next
    UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    'UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1

    With UserForm1.Text1
    .SelStart = 0
    .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    Cancel = True
    End With

    End Sub


  2. #2
    Jim Cone

    Re: setfocus in textbox on multipage


    Set the tab order so that Text1 is first in the tab order.
    That control gets the focus when the form is shown.
    The Load UserForm1 line is not necessary as the form
    loads when you first refer to the form.

    Also, control settings code should come before the form is shown.

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA

    "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    wrote in message
    Userform1 has a multipage with two pages.

    Page1 has 8 textboxes - Text1 through Text8 and 3 comboboxes

    I would like Text1 to receive focus so data can be entered. My code worked
    fine on a regular userform but when I changed to a multipage Text1 does not
    receive focus - I am stumped. Appreciate any help.
    here is code to load
    Sub show_myform()
    Worksheets("Constants").Range("mysounds").Value = 2
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Hourly"
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Milage"
    UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
    UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "On"
    UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "Off"
    UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    Load UserForm1

    On Error Resume Next
    UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    'UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1

    With UserForm1.Text1
    .SelStart = 0
    .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    Cancel = True
    End With

    End Sub


  3. #3

    Re: setfocus in textbox on multipage


    Thank you for your comments. Text1 has a tabindex of 0. I've made the other
    changes uou indicated but Text1 still does not receive the focus.

    When I just had the items on a userform Text1 would receive focus. The
    problem developed when I went to MultiPage. Any thoughts?


    "Jim Cone" wrote:

    > Martin,
    > Set the tab order so that Text1 is first in the tab order.
    > That control gets the focus when the form is shown.
    > The Load UserForm1 line is not necessary as the form
    > loads when you first refer to the form.
    > Also, control settings code should come before the form is shown.
    > Regards,
    > Jim Cone
    > San Francisco, USA
    > http://www.realezsites.com/bus/primitivesoftware
    > "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > wrote in message
    > news:5170A04F-DBAD-4444-AFB9-A69026B99E03@microsoft.com...
    > Userform1 has a multipage with two pages.
    > Page1 has 8 textboxes - Text1 through Text8 and 3 comboboxes
    > I would like Text1 to receive focus so data can be entered. My code worked
    > fine on a regular userform but when I changed to a multipage Text1 does not
    > receive focus - I am stumped. Appreciate any help.
    > here is code to load
    > Sub show_myform()
    > Worksheets("Constants").Range("mysounds").Value = 2
    > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Hourly"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Milage"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
    > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "On"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "Off"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > Load UserForm1
    > On Error Resume Next
    > UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    > 'UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > With UserForm1.Text1
    > .SetFocus
    > .SelStart = 0
    > .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    > Cancel = True
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > --
    > Martin

  4. #4
    Jim Cone

    Re: setfocus in textbox on multipage


    If the textbox is on one of the pages (not directly on the userform)
    then code something like this could be used...

    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    With Me.MultiPage1
    'Make the second page active
    .Value = 1
    End With
    End Sub
    Jim Cone

    "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    wrote in message
    Thank you for your comments. Text1 has a tabindex of 0. I've made the other
    changes uou indicated but Text1 still does not receive the focus.
    When I just had the items on a userform Text1 would receive focus. The
    problem developed when I went to MultiPage. Any thoughts?

    "Jim Cone" wrote:
    > Martin,
    > Set the tab order so that Text1 is first in the tab order.
    > That control gets the focus when the form is shown.
    > The Load UserForm1 line is not necessary as the form
    > loads when you first refer to the form.>
    > Also, control settings code should come before the form is shown.>
    > Regards,
    > Jim Cone
    > San Francisco, USA
    > http://www.realezsites.com/bus/primitivesoftware

    > "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > wrote in message
    > news:5170A04F-DBAD-4444-AFB9-A69026B99E03@microsoft.com...
    > Userform1 has a multipage with two pages.
    > Page1 has 8 textboxes - Text1 through Text8 and 3 comboboxes
    > I would like Text1 to receive focus so data can be entered. My code worked
    > fine on a regular userform but when I changed to a multipage Text1 does not
    > receive focus - I am stumped. Appreciate any help.
    > here is code to load
    > Sub show_myform()
    > Worksheets("Constants").Range("mysounds").Value = 2
    > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Hourly"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Milage"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
    > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "On"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "Off"
    > UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > Load UserForm1
    > On Error Resume Next
    > UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    > 'UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > With UserForm1.Text1
    > .SetFocus
    > .SelStart = 0
    > .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    > Cancel = True
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > --
    > Martin

  5. #5

    Re: setfocus in textbox on multipage

    Thanks again.

    I got an invalid use of ME error & modified code. The textbox is on the
    firstpage of a 2 page muultipage on top of a userform.

    With UserForm1.MultiPage1
    'Make the second page active
    ..Value = 0
    End With

    I'm guessing that 0 is the index of the first page as I had error 438 (obj
    does not supp..)when .value was 1 and error 2110 with .pages(1)

    I dont get errors with code shown but dont get focus in textbox either.
    What is weird is when I use Tab key - the focus goes to textbox2 which is the
    next tab order.


    "Jim Cone" wrote:

    > Martin,
    > If the textbox is on one of the pages (not directly on the userform)
    > then code something like this could be used...
    > Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    > With Me.MultiPage1
    > 'Make the second page active
    > .Value = 1
    > .Pages(1).TextBox4.SetFocus
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > '----------------------------
    > Jim Cone
    > "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > wrote in message
    > news:29E69840-38E3-4706-A3CA-A3CDF9E20803@microsoft.com
    > Jim,
    > Thank you for your comments. Text1 has a tabindex of 0. I've made the other
    > changes uou indicated but Text1 still does not receive the focus.
    > When I just had the items on a userform Text1 would receive focus. The
    > problem developed when I went to MultiPage. Any thoughts?
    > Martin
    > "Jim Cone" wrote:
    > > Martin,
    > > Set the tab order so that Text1 is first in the tab order.
    > > That control gets the focus when the form is shown.
    > > The Load UserForm1 line is not necessary as the form
    > > loads when you first refer to the form.>
    > > Also, control settings code should come before the form is shown.>
    > > Regards,
    > > Jim Cone
    > > San Francisco, USA
    > > http://www.realezsites.com/bus/primitivesoftware

    > >
    > >
    > > "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > > wrote in message
    > > news:5170A04F-DBAD-4444-AFB9-A69026B99E03@microsoft.com...
    > > Userform1 has a multipage with two pages.
    > >
    > > Page1 has 8 textboxes - Text1 through Text8 and 3 comboboxes
    > >
    > > I would like Text1 to receive focus so data can be entered. My code worked
    > > fine on a regular userform but when I changed to a multipage Text1 does not
    > > receive focus - I am stumped. Appreciate any help.
    > > here is code to load
    > > Sub show_myform()
    > > Worksheets("Constants").Range("mysounds").Value = 2
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Hourly"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Milage"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "On"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "Off"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > > Load UserForm1
    > >
    > > On Error Resume Next
    > > UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    > > 'UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > >
    > > With UserForm1.Text1
    > > .SetFocus
    > > .SelStart = 0
    > > .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    > > Cancel = True
    > > End With
    > >
    > > End Sub
    > > --
    > > Martin
    > >


  6. #6
    Jim Cone

    Re: setfocus in textbox on multipage


    Code to control the initial display and configuration of a
    userform can usually go in three places...
    The general module calling the form
    The Initialize event of the form
    The Activate event of the form
    The initialize event occurs when the form is loaded.
    The activate event occurs each time the form is shown.
    The "Me" word refers to the form itself and can only
    be used in the form's code module.

    A userform and each page of a multipage control have their own
    independent tab orders.

    Hope some of the above can help you work out the problem.

    Jim Cone

    "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    wrote in message
    Thanks again.

    I got an invalid use of ME error & modified code. The textbox is on the
    firstpage of a 2 page multipage on top of a userform.

    With UserForm1.MultiPage1
    'Make the second page active
    ..Value = 0
    End With

    I'm guessing that 0 is the index of the first page as I had error 438 (obj
    does not supp..)when .value was 1 and error 2110 with .pages(1)

    I dont get errors with code shown but dont get focus in textbox either.
    What is weird is when I use Tab key - the focus goes to textbox2 which is the
    next tab order.


    "Jim Cone" wrote:

    > Martin,
    > If the textbox is on one of the pages (not directly on the userform)
    > then code something like this could be used...
    > Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    > With Me.MultiPage1
    > 'Make the second page active
    > .Value = 1
    > .Pages(1).TextBox4.SetFocus
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > '----------------------------
    > Jim Cone
    > "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > wrote in message
    > news:29E69840-38E3-4706-A3CA-A3CDF9E20803@microsoft.com
    > Jim,
    > Thank you for your comments. Text1 has a tabindex of 0. I've made the other
    > changes uou indicated but Text1 still does not receive the focus.
    > When I just had the items on a userform Text1 would receive focus. The
    > problem developed when I went to MultiPage. Any thoughts?
    > Martin
    > "Jim Cone" wrote:
    > > Martin,
    > > Set the tab order so that Text1 is first in the tab order.
    > > That control gets the focus when the form is shown.
    > > The Load UserForm1 line is not necessary as the form
    > > loads when you first refer to the form.>
    > > Also, control settings code should come before the form is shown.>
    > > Regards,
    > > Jim Cone
    > > San Francisco, USA
    > > http://www.realezsites.com/bus/primitivesoftware

    > >
    > >
    > > "Martin" <Martin@discussions.microsoft.com>
    > > wrote in message
    > > news:5170A04F-DBAD-4444-AFB9-A69026B99E03@microsoft.com...
    > > Userform1 has a multipage with two pages.
    > >
    > > Page1 has 8 textboxes - Text1 through Text8 and 3 comboboxes
    > >
    > > I would like Text1 to receive focus so data can be entered. My code worked
    > > fine on a regular userform but when I changed to a multipage Text1 does not
    > > receive focus - I am stumped. Appreciate any help.
    > > here is code to load
    > > Sub show_myform()
    > > Worksheets("Constants").Range("mysounds").Value = 2
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Hourly"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem "Milage"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "On"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox2.AddItem "Off"
    > > UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > > Load UserForm1
    > >
    > > On Error Resume Next
    > > UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    > > 'UserForm1.ComboBox2.ListIndex = 1
    > >
    > > With UserForm1.Text1
    > > .SetFocus
    > > .SelStart = 0
    > > .SelLength = Len(.Text)
    > > Cancel = True
    > > End With
    > >
    > > End Sub
    > > --
    > > Martin

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