The select case statement checks each expression on the expressionlist and if
it meets the criteria then it has satisified the requirments and processes
the code for that item.

Therefore you cannot do 'AND' type expressions and you will have to stay
with the code you have or use if statements as in

Sub case369(i As Integer)
If Not (i = 3 Or i = 6 Or i = 9) Then
Debug.Print True
Debug.Print False
End If
End Sub

HTHs Martin

"Werner Rohrmoser" wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to know whether it is possible to code the structure below
> direct
> and not indirect as I have done it.
> Something like "Case Is <> 3, Is <> 6, Is <> 9".
> Example:
> '************************************************************************
> Option Explicit
> Option Compare Text
> Public Sub DoingSomethingExceptItIs_3_OR_6_OR_9()
> Dim LoopCounter As Integer
> For LoopCounter = 1 To 10
> Select Case LoopCounter
> Case 3, 6, 9
> Case Else
> MsgBox LoopCounter
> End Select
> Next LoopCounter
> End Sub
> '*********************************************************************
> Thanks for your Support
> Werner