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search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

  1. #1

    search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    Hello everybody,

    I have addresses entered as in below in several rows. Note that the
    entire address for each individual is put in a single cell as text. All
    cells have commas though and "text to column" option is completely
    ruled out. There are about 50000 such entries and they do not contain
    words in fixed order. For instance, in the following example, say the
    rows are in rows B1 to B1000, I wish to place a formula in C1 to C1000
    and find if the corresponding cell in B1 to B1000 has the word "Taluk"
    and if so, to also read the word or words before "Taluk" - all occuring
    until a comma and then to copy the entire set of words in C1 to C1000.

    Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    Upparahalli, Kumbalahalli Post, Hona Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    Dist. Pin. 562114
    #42/10, Suresh Nilaya, Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Taluk,
    J 36, Pipline Malleshwaram, Ganesha Block, Bangalore
    Taluk,Viveknagar II stage, Sulibele Road, Bangalore Rural Dist

    This is what I a single formula to accomplish :

    In row 1 below, I need to get "Hoskote Taluk"
    In row 2 below, I need to get "Hona Hoskote Taluk"
    In row 3 below, I need to get "Taluk"
    In row 4 below, I need to get nothing
    In row 5 below, I need to get "Taluk"

    Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    Upparahalli, Kumbalahalli Post, Hona Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    Dist. Pin. 562114
    #42/10, Suresh Nilaya, Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Taluk,
    J 36, Pipline Malleshwaram, Ganesha Block, Bangalore
    Taluk,Viveknagar II stage, Sulibele Road, Bangalore Rural Dist

    All support is appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    I wish to clarify that in the example, the words seem to not be
    contained within a cell. But all of my entries that I want to
    manipulate are contained within a cell and in the above example the
    data is B1 to B5

  3. #3

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    I wish to clarify that in the example, the words seem to not be
    contained within a cell. But all of my entries that I want to
    manipulate are contained within a cell and in the above example the
    data is B1 to B5

  4. #4

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    how about this one:

    you could input a formula into c1 like
    and copy c1 to any ranges you like.
    but not recommend to use this function as UDF, because you have so many data.
    i would rather run macro mytest.

    Sub mytest()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim i As Long

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set rng = Range("b1:b" & Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "b").End(xlUp).Row)
    i = 1
    For Each s In rng
    Cells(i, "c") = mypickup(s, "Taluk")
    i = i + 1
    End Sub

    Function mypickup(ByVal s, ByVal sw As String, Optional del As String = ",") As
    Dim tmp
    Dim swlen As Long, pos As Long

    tmp = split(s, del)
    swlen = Len(sw)
    For i = LBound(tmp) To UBound(tmp)
    pos = InStr(tmp(i), sw)
    If pos > 0 Then
    tmp(i) = Left(tmp(i), pos + swlen - 1)
    If mypickup = "" Then
    mypickup = Trim(tmp(i))
    mypickup = mypickup & ", " & Trim(tmp(i))
    End If
    End If
    End Function


    "DHANANJAY" <dhananjaylegal@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > Hello everybody,
    > I have addresses entered as in below in several rows. Note that the
    > entire address for each individual is put in a single cell as text. All
    > cells have commas though and "text to column" option is completely
    > ruled out. There are about 50000 such entries and they do not contain
    > words in fixed order. For instance, in the following example, say the
    > rows are in rows B1 to B1000, I wish to place a formula in C1 to C1000
    > and find if the corresponding cell in B1 to B1000 has the word "Taluk"
    > and if so, to also read the word or words before "Taluk" - all occuring
    > until a comma and then to copy the entire set of words in C1 to C1000.
    > Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    > Upparahalli, Kumbalahalli Post, Hona Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    > Dist. Pin. 562114
    > #42/10, Suresh Nilaya, Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Taluk,
    > Bangalore
    > J 36, Pipline Malleshwaram, Ganesha Block, Bangalore
    > Taluk,Viveknagar II stage, Sulibele Road, Bangalore Rural Dist
    > This is what I a single formula to accomplish :
    > In row 1 below, I need to get "Hoskote Taluk"
    > In row 2 below, I need to get "Hona Hoskote Taluk"
    > In row 3 below, I need to get "Taluk"
    > In row 4 below, I need to get nothing
    > In row 5 below, I need to get "Taluk"
    > Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    > Upparahalli, Kumbalahalli Post, Hona Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    > Dist. Pin. 562114
    > #42/10, Suresh Nilaya, Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Taluk,
    > Bangalore
    > J 36, Pipline Malleshwaram, Ganesha Block, Bangalore
    > Taluk,Viveknagar II stage, Sulibele Road, Bangalore Rural Dist
    > All support is appreciated.

  5. #5

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    Thank You very much,Kounoike.

    Unfortunately, I am not a technical person and I tried running the
    formula you have so painstakingly developed. When I ran that formula,
    there is an error line, "subject or function not defined". When this
    prompt appears, the word 'Mypickup' is highlighted. In fact, I just
    copied the formula you wrote and did no change whatsoever to it.

    I would appreciate if you take time to teach me how the formula works
    so that I can better run it. Thank You

  6. #6

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma


    sorry for your inconvenience. i'm not sure this is the cause of error.
    declaration of function must be written on one line or recognised as
    on one line(this means if you want to write it into multiple lines,
    you must break statement using the line-continuation charactor
    , a space followed by an underscore.)
    my guess is when you copy the code below, it may spread into
    two lines.

    Function mypickup(ByVal s, ByVal sw As String, Optional del As String = ",") As

    so, try to make statement above into one line as look like
    Function mypickup(----------) As string
    also, i assume data is populated in columns("b").


    "DHANANJAY" <dhananjaylegal@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > Thank You very much,Kounoike.
    > Unfortunately, I am not a technical person and I tried running the
    > formula you have so painstakingly developed. When I ran that formula,
    > there is an error line, "subject or function not defined". When this
    > prompt appears, the word 'Mypickup' is highlighted. In fact, I just
    > copied the formula you wrote and did no change whatsoever to it.
    > I would appreciate if you take time to teach me how the formula works
    > so that I can better run it. Thank You

  7. #7

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    Dear kounoike,

    Thank You so much. You guessed it right I did little more than what
    you instructed and I got the whole thing right.

    Thank You Again.

    Lots of Man Hours have been saved solely due to your expertise here in
    Bangalore City, India.

  8. #8
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    On 24 Dec 2005 07:48:38 -0800, "DHANANJAY" <dhananjaylegal@yahoo.com> wrote:

    >Hello everybody,
    >I have addresses entered as in below in several rows. Note that the
    >entire address for each individual is put in a single cell as text. All
    >cells have commas though and "text to column" option is completely
    >ruled out. There are about 50000 such entries and they do not contain
    >words in fixed order. For instance, in the following example, say the
    >rows are in rows B1 to B1000, I wish to place a formula in C1 to C1000
    >and find if the corresponding cell in B1 to B1000 has the word "Taluk"
    >and if so, to also read the word or words before "Taluk" - all occuring
    >until a comma and then to copy the entire set of words in C1 to C1000.
    >Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    >Upparahalli, Kumbalahalli Post, Hona Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    >Dist. Pin. 562114
    >#42/10, Suresh Nilaya, Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Taluk,
    >J 36, Pipline Malleshwaram, Ganesha Block, Bangalore
    >Taluk,Viveknagar II stage, Sulibele Road, Bangalore Rural Dist
    >This is what I a single formula to accomplish :
    >In row 1 below, I need to get "Hoskote Taluk"
    >In row 2 below, I need to get "Hona Hoskote Taluk"
    >In row 3 below, I need to get "Taluk"
    >In row 4 below, I need to get nothing
    >In row 5 below, I need to get "Taluk"
    >Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    >Upparahalli, Kumbalahalli Post, Hona Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural
    >Dist. Pin. 562114
    >#42/10, Suresh Nilaya, Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Taluk,
    >J 36, Pipline Malleshwaram, Ganesha Block, Bangalore
    >Taluk,Viveknagar II stage, Sulibele Road, Bangalore Rural Dist
    >All support is appreciated.

    1. Download and install Longre's free morefunc.xll add-in from

    2. If your string is in A1, use the following formula:


    copy/drag down as needed.


  9. #9

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma


    you're welcome.
    but, Ron has showed us more simple and flexible solution.
    thanks Ron for introducing a very useful web site.

    by the way, Ron's formula works fine and applied it to the case which has
    plural match. The manual says it can be used as array function, so i entered
    as array formula but i could'nt get every matches, only first match.
    Of course, i can get every match using index parameter, or i've misread
    the manual?

    i'll appreciate if someone show me the way.


  10. #10
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:28:35 +0900, "kounoike" <kounoike@mbh.nifty.com> wrote:

    >you're welcome.
    >but, Ron has showed us more simple and flexible solution.
    >thanks Ron for introducing a very useful web site.
    >by the way, Ron's formula works fine and applied it to the case which has
    >plural match. The manual says it can be used as array function, so i entered
    >as array formula but i could'nt get every matches, only first match.
    >Of course, i can get every match using index parameter, or i've misread
    >the manual?
    >i'll appreciate if someone show me the way.

    I don't see what you mean when you say "plural match" in the examples given.
    In the examples given, I see no need for an array form.

    Perhaps I am missing something?

  11. #11

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    "Ron Rosenfeld" <ronrosenfeld@nospam.org> wrote in message
    > I don't see what you mean when you say "plural match" in the examples given.
    > In the examples given, I see no need for an array form.
    > Perhaps I am missing something?
    > --ron

    Thank you for your reply, Ron.

    I'm Japaneses and my English is not as good enough to express what i want
    to say as do in my mother tongue. but i'll try.
    as you said, there is no need of array form in the examples given.
    it's just my interest. if A1 has a data something like this

    Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural, #42/10,
    Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Hona Hoskote Taluk

    and want to extract every matches, How could i apply REGEX.MID for this?
    i mean what i want in this case is "Hoskote Taluk" and "Hona Hoskote Taluk"

    i can get these respectively by
    =REGEX.MID(A1,"(?<=\s|^)[\s\w]*Taluk",1) and
    and i thought i could get these in the range by using as array formula,
    as it is said to be able to use as array funntion.

    Possibly, i misunderstood this function.


  12. #12
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 20:20:40 +0900, "kounoike" <kounoike@mbh.nifty.com> wrote:

    >"Ron Rosenfeld" <ronrosenfeld@nospam.org> wrote in message
    >> I don't see what you mean when you say "plural match" in the examples given.
    >> In the examples given, I see no need for an array form.
    >> Perhaps I am missing something?
    >> --ron

    >Thank you for your reply, Ron.
    >I'm Japaneses and my English is not as good enough to express what i want
    > to say as do in my mother tongue. but i'll try.
    >as you said, there is no need of array form in the examples given.
    >it's just my interest. if A1 has a data something like this
    >Kempapura, Hasigala Post, Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural, #42/10,
    >Behind Dharmaraya Temple, Malinapet, Hona Hoskote Taluk
    >and want to extract every matches, How could i apply REGEX.MID for this?
    >i mean what i want in this case is "Hoskote Taluk" and "Hona Hoskote Taluk"
    >i can get these respectively by
    >=REGEX.MID(A1,"(?<=\s|^)[\s\w]*Taluk",1) and
    >and i thought i could get these in the range by using as array formula,
    >as it is said to be able to use as array funntion.
    >Possibly, i misunderstood this function.

    OK, I think I understand what you are doing.

    The function can return either a horizontal or vertical array. But to do so,
    you need to specify the multiple arguments in the form of an array constant
    within the function.

    This behavior is similar to standard Excel functions.

    For example, to return a vertical array of the 1st and 2nd instances, you could


    as an array formula in adjacent rows. In other words, you could select B1 &
    B2; enter the formula in B1 and then hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting
    <enter>. Excel should copy the formula into B2, and surround both with braces

    If you have some unknown number of matches, you could replace the array
    constant in the above {1;2} with the function: ROW(INDIRECT("1:n")) where n is
    the maximum number of matches that might be, and then enter the formula in
    multiple cells as I described above.

    Furthermore, if you require a horizontal array, change the array constant to

    Please note that I am using the default US separators in my equations. If your
    Excel version has different separators, you may also need different separators
    than I used in the array constant.

    Also, you could obtain these results without using an array formula. For
    example, in B1 you could enter the formula:


    and copy/drag down. The ROW() would give you the sequential numbers for the
    different matches.

    To return in a horizontal fashion, you could, in B1, use the formula:


    and copy/drag across.


  13. #13

    Re: search for a specific word and copy the word and the preceeding words until a comma

    Hi Ron

    Uhmm..fine! I don't have any single word to ask you for this function further.
    Maybe, i, by myself, could'nt find the usage of this function by any strech of
    my imagination.
    Any way I thank you very much. Have a happy new year.


    "Ron Rosenfeld" <ronrosenfeld@nospam.org> wrote in message
    > OK, I think I understand what you are doing.
    > The function can return either a horizontal or vertical array. But to do so,
    > you need to specify the multiple arguments in the form of an array constant
    > within the function.
    > This behavior is similar to standard Excel functions.
    > For example, to return a vertical array of the 1st and 2nd instances, you could
    > enter:
    > =REGEX.MID(A1,"(?<=\s|^)[\w\s]*Taluk",{1;2})
    > as an array formula in adjacent rows. In other words, you could select B1 &
    > B2; enter the formula in B1 and then hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting
    > <enter>. Excel should copy the formula into B2, and surround both with braces
    > {...}.
    > If you have some unknown number of matches, you could replace the array
    > constant in the above {1;2} with the function: ROW(INDIRECT("1:n")) where n is
    > the maximum number of matches that might be, and then enter the formula in
    > multiple cells as I described above.
    > Furthermore, if you require a horizontal array, change the array constant to
    > {1,2}.
    > Please note that I am using the default US separators in my equations. If your
    > Excel version has different separators, you may also need different separators
    > than I used in the array constant.
    > Also, you could obtain these results without using an array formula. For
    > example, in B1 you could enter the formula:
    > =REGEX.MID($A$1,"(?<=\s|^)[\w\s]*Taluk",ROW())
    > and copy/drag down. The ROW() would give you the sequential numbers for the
    > different matches.
    > To return in a horizontal fashion, you could, in B1, use the formula:
    > =REGEX.MID($A$1,"(?<=\s|^)[\w\s]*Taluk",COLUMN()-1)
    > and copy/drag across.
    > --ron

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