The following is an example of some code that I am using in a process
to make charts. While troubleshooting a date calculation error, I
found out that "lastdate" returns a value of 12:00:00 AM in the
intermediate window.
Lastdate is dim'd as public lastdate as date.
ans = MsgBox("Do you want to lock in a review period end date?",
If ans = vbYes Then 'lock in a date for the end of review period for
subsequent runs
LastDate = InputBox("What date (MM/DD/YYYY) will mark the end of
the review periods?", , "10/1/2006")
Else: LastDate = CDate(Now()) 'not sure what CDATE does
End If
What am I doing wrong that would cause this to indicate a time instead
of a date as I entered?