I need to look through a range of cells to see if there is a match to a
variable I have previously set. What is the syntax for referencing this
range? Thanks.
I need to look through a range of cells to see if there is a match to a
variable I have previously set. What is the syntax for referencing this
range? Thanks.
Dim rng as Range, rng1 as Range
Dim myVar as String
myVar = "Amy"
set rng = Range("B9:F100")
set rng1 = rng.find(myVar)
if not rng1 is nothing then
msgbox myvar & " found at " & rng1.Address
msgbox myvar & " was not found in " & rng.Address
End sub
Tom Ogilvy
"Ann" <Ann@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I need to look through a range of cells to see if there is a match to a
> variable I have previously set. What is the syntax for referencing this
> range? Thanks.
For Each c In Range("A1:A10")
..... Do what you want here
End If
Next c
In the example change the range to whatever you want and the check
This way you have multiple check conditions within a case statement and as
each cell is returned you can manipulate each cell very easily.
"Ann" <Ann@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I need to look through a range of cells to see if there is a match to a
> variable I have previously set. What is the syntax for referencing this
> range? Thanks.
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