hi all .. i am new to this forum.. i dont know whether i am postiing this in the right place or wrong.. however i am sorry if it in a wrong category..

my Question is
can we using the macros access the menus of excel? ,,, today i got this job to solve and was completely out of idea how to solve it.. they company which asked me for this task are using a sort of cotomized interface of excel.. i am trying to say they added some new menus to excel.. and these new menus can ineract with another external program which takes some data from the excel sheet and does some calculation and print them back in excel

what i am trying to ask is can a macro do that ?!?

and if the answer is yes
how can i access the menues like file and edite through macros..
and if no
well what is the alternative way to do it?

thank you very much in advance