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interpolation in an array

  1. #1

    interpolation in an array

    I have an array in which i need to interpolate(linear).

    For ex,

    5 6 7 8
    2 60 70 80 90
    3 50 60 70 80
    4 40 50 60 70
    5 30 40 50 60

    The first row (Xvalues) and the first column (Yvalues):
    For ex, for X=5.5 and Y=2.5, my interpolated values should be 60. How
    can i write a formula for this? I would greatly appreciate any help in
    Thanks so much

  2. #2
    vandenberg p

    Re: interpolation in an array

    If I understand your problem and assuming that the difference
    in each value is always 10 then the following should work.

    Assume you have the data table starting in A1 with a blank
    and A2 has the value 2, B1 has the value 5 etc.
    Then B6 has the x value; B7 has the Y value and B8
    has the formula as shown below.

    5 6 7 8
    2 60 70 80 90
    3 50 60 70 80
    4 40 50 60 70
    5 30 40 50 60
    x 5.5 <----Your X goes here
    y 2.5 <----Your Y goes here
    Value 60 =HLOOKUP(INT(B6),A1:E5,INT(B7))+B27*10-(MOD(B7,INT(B7))*10)

    Pieter Vandenberg

    gnanapragasamv@gmail.com wrote:
    : Hi
    : I have an array in which i need to interpolate(linear).

    : For ex,

    : 5 6 7 8
    : 2 60 70 80 90
    : 3 50 60 70 80
    : 4 40 50 60 70
    : 5 30 40 50 60

    : The first row (Xvalues) and the first column (Yvalues):
    : For ex, for X=5.5 and Y=2.5, my interpolated values should be 60. How
    : can i write a formula for this? I would greatly appreciate any help in
    : this.
    : Thanks so much
    : GP

  3. #3
    vandenberg p

    Re: interpolation in an array

    Sorry, I forgot to clean up one part of the formula.
    Here is the corrected version:

    (Note that the reference to B27 has been replaced)

    Pieter Vandenberg

    vandenberg p <pavberg@rohan.sdsu.edu> wrote:

    : If I understand your problem and assuming that the difference
    : in each value is always 10 then the following should work.

    : Assume you have the data table starting in A1 with a blank
    : and A2 has the value 2, B1 has the value 5 etc.
    : Then B6 has the x value; B7 has the Y value and B8
    : has the formula as shown below.

    : 5 6 7 8
    : 2 60 70 80 90
    : 3 50 60 70 80
    : 4 40 50 60 70
    : 5 30 40 50 60
    : x 5.5 <----Your X goes here
    : y 2.5 <----Your Y goes here
    : Value 60 =HLOOKUP(INT(B6),A1:E5,INT(B7))+B27*10-(MOD(B7,INT(B7))*10)

    : Pieter Vandenberg

    : gnanapragasamv@gmail.com wrote:
    : : Hi
    : : I have an array in which i need to interpolate(linear).

    : : For ex,

    : : 5 6 7 8
    : : 2 60 70 80 90
    : : 3 50 60 70 80
    : : 4 40 50 60 70
    : : 5 30 40 50 60

    : : The first row (Xvalues) and the first column (Yvalues):
    : : For ex, for X=5.5 and Y=2.5, my interpolated values should be 60. How
    : : can i write a formula for this? I would greatly appreciate any help in
    : : this.
    : : Thanks so much
    : : GP

  4. #4

    Re: interpolation in an array

    Thank you verymuch pieter. I appreciate it. Now if the difference
    between each value is in decimals (Not 10), then how will we
    interpolate?. I mean if the array looks like,
    5 6 7 8
    2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    3 51.2 60 70 80
    4 40 50 60 70
    5 30 40 50 60

    I would appreciate the help.
    Thanks a lot

  5. #5

    Re: interpolation in an array


    this is a question for worksheetfunction newsgroup
    as it has nothing to do with (VBA) programming..

    basically it's VERY simple.
    the match and the (H/V)looKup functions will interpolate
    unLESS told not to.

    5 6 7 8
    2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    3 51.2 60 70 80
    4 40 50 60 70
    5 30 40 50 60

    5.5 62.6

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    gnanapragasamv@gmail.com wrote :

    > 5 6 7 8
    > 2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    > 3 51.2 60 70 80
    > 4 40 50 60 70
    > 5 30 40 50 60

  6. #6
    Peter T

    Re: interpolation in an array

    Try this for size

    Define named ranges
    xx = Scale X labels
    yy = Scale y labels
    data = table of values
    xi = Input X
    yi = Input Y


    Debug.Print ActiveCell.Formula ' 706

    5 6 7 8 (xx)
    2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    3 51.2 60 70 80
    4 40 50 60 70
    5 30 40 50 60 (data)

    xi = 5.5
    yi = 2.5
    result = 61.55

    xi >= min(xx) and xi <max(xx)
    So in the eg change 8 to 8.00000001
    and similar re yi / yy

    Peter T

    <gnanapragasamv@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thank you verymuch pieter. I appreciate it. Now if the difference
    > between each value is in decimals (Not 10), then how will we
    > interpolate?. I mean if the array looks like,
    > 5 6 7 8
    > 2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    > 3 51.2 60 70 80
    > 4 40 50 60 70
    > 5 30 40 50 60
    > I would appreciate the help.
    > Thanks a lot
    > GP

  7. #7

    Re: interpolation in an array

    rereading the other replies i may have misunderstood
    the original question. <g>

    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

  8. #8
    Peter T

    Re: interpolation in an array


    > Debug.Print ActiveCell.Formula ' 706

    Debug.Print Len(ActiveCell.Formula) ' 706

    can it be reduced ?

    Peter T

  9. #9

    Re: interpolation in an array


    using trend you'd need some xtra cells.
    ofcourse the sequence(row/col or col/row
    is important in interpolation.

    5 6 7 8
    2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    3 51.2 60 70 80
    4 40 50 60 70
    5 30 40 50 60

    2.5 56.85 66.32 75.55 86.1
    5.5 61.507

    Formula in row7 =TREND(B2:B5,$A$2:$A$5,$A$7)
    Formula in row8 =TREND(B7:E7,$B$1:$E$1,$A$8)


    | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

    Peter T wrote :

    > typo
    > > Debug.Print ActiveCell.Formula ' 706

    > Debug.Print Len(ActiveCell.Formula) ' 706
    > can it be reduced ?
    > Regards,
    > Peter T

  10. #10
    Peter T

    Re: interpolation in an array

    Hi stranger, good to see you back !

    I think this trend method will only linearly interpolate if the data
    intervals are also linear in both directions.

    With the sample data and inputs 2.5 & 5.5 the result should be 61.55 (not

    With inputs 4 & 7 should return the intersect 60 (trend formulas returned

    FWIW, I wouldn't want to use the long formula I posted. Instead a bunch of
    simpler smaller formulas (from which that long one was derived) or a UDF.

    Peter T

    "keepITcool" <xrrcvgpbby@puryyb.ay> wrote in message
    > hmm
    > using trend you'd need some xtra cells.
    > ofcourse the sequence(row/col or col/row
    > is important in interpolation.
    > 5 6 7 8
    > 2 62.6 72.4 81 92
    > 3 51.2 60 70 80
    > 4 40 50 60 70
    > 5 30 40 50 60
    > 2.5 56.85 66.32 75.55 86.1
    > 5.5 61.507
    > Formula in row7 =TREND(B2:B5,$A$2:$A$5,$A$7)
    > Formula in row8 =TREND(B7:E7,$B$1:$E$1,$A$8)
    > --
    > --
    > keepITcool
    > | www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam
    > Peter T wrote :
    > > typo
    > >
    > > > Debug.Print ActiveCell.Formula ' 706

    > >
    > > Debug.Print Len(ActiveCell.Formula) ' 706
    > >
    > > can it be reduced ?
    > >
    > > Regards,
    > > Peter T

  11. #11

    Re: interpolation in an array

    Thanks a lot. wow, it's realy amazing that there are people out there
    with so much helping tendency. I really appreciate it. As peter told,
    the long formula works well for the values with in the range. But the
    following gives a little bit touble. Is there anyway to put this long
    formula with IF conditions so that this will use HLOOKUP for the values
    present and interpolate for the values not present. i mean i would not
    want to change the values from 8 to 8.00000001 in the example.
    xi >= min(xx) and xi <max(xx)
    So in the eg change 8 to 8.00000001
    and similar re yi / yy

    Thanks again

  12. #12
    Peter T

    Re: interpolation in an array

    > i mean i would not
    > want to change the values from 8 to 8.00000001 in the example.

    Why is it a problem to add say 1*e-12 to only the last X & Y label/values.

    Or are you saying you want to interpolate outside the range of data, If so
    that's an entirely different matter, particularly if your data intervals are
    non-linear, in either or both horizontal or vertical directions. That's
    extrapolation and the method and formulas you would deploy would depend on
    the type of data you have, how far you want to extend and probably other

    Here's the origin of that big formula, paste following into H1:H13


    Assumes named ranges xx, yy & data as I described before. You could also
    name H1 as xi & H2 as yi (the inputs) so you can also use the big formula.

    You could extend the last formula (in H13) to include an IF condition, or
    maybe adapt some of the earlier formulas to your requirements.

    When done you could assemble it all into your own jumbo formula, but ensure
    it does not exceed the max formula length of 1024.

    Peter T

    <gnanapragasamv@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks a lot. wow, it's realy amazing that there are people out there
    > with so much helping tendency. I really appreciate it. As peter told,
    > the long formula works well for the values with in the range. But the
    > following gives a little bit touble. Is there anyway to put this long
    > formula with IF conditions so that this will use HLOOKUP for the values
    > present and interpolate for the values not present. i mean i would not
    > want to change the values from 8 to 8.00000001 in the example.
    > xi >= min(xx) and xi <max(xx)
    > So in the eg change 8 to 8.00000001
    > and similar re yi / yy
    > Thanks again
    > Regards
    > GP

  13. #13
    Peter T

    Re: interpolation in an array

    > > i mean i would not
    > > want to change the values from 8 to 8.00000001 in the example.


    If you really don't want to change the 8, include an additional step for
    your inputs (following in named cell xi or H1 in the previous example).

    =IF(Xinput= 8,Xinput-18e-12,Xinput)
    =IF(Xinput= MAX(xx),Xinput-0.000000000018,Xinput)

    similar for the Yinput

    Peter T

  14. #14
    Peter T

    Re: interpolation in an array

    not sure how "18" crept in

    > =IF(Xinput= 8,Xinput-(1e-12),Xinput)

    ie ensure the input is a tad less than 8 or less than the maximum xValue

    Peter T

    "Peter T" <peter_t@discussions> wrote in message
    > > > i mean i would not
    > > > want to change the values from 8 to 8.00000001 in the example.

    > >

    > If you really don't want to change the 8, include an additional step for
    > your inputs (following in named cell xi or H1 in the previous example).
    > =IF(Xinput= 8,Xinput-18e-12,Xinput)
    > or
    > =IF(Xinput= MAX(xx),Xinput-0.000000000018,Xinput)
    > similar for the Yinput
    > Regards,
    > Peter T

  15. #15

    Re: interpolation in an array

    Wow, fantastic peter. I pledge that i am not a programmer and i am
    learning it myself (Self study!). You really helped me in understanding
    this interpolation. Thanks a lot to all

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