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shortcut key versus F5

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  1. #1
    Wim VL

    shortcut key versus F5

    My macro - containing 4 inputboxes and generating 2 tables and corresponding
    charts - is running very well by F5, but gives a 424 object error when I use
    the designated short cut key. It is clear that it jumps over the second
    inputbox and that it - further on but probably not in relation to the first
    problem - does not identify a certain dataset, although it is dimensioned and
    set. What solution do you suggest?
    I also tried "i = DoEvents" but it doesn't seem to work.

  2. #2

    RE: shortcut key versus F5

    have you tried creating a button to run the code? If that doesn't work, try
    posting the code.

    "Wim VL" wrote:

    > My macro - containing 4 inputboxes and generating 2 tables and corresponding
    > charts - is running very well by F5, but gives a 424 object error when I use
    > the designated short cut key. It is clear that it jumps over the second
    > inputbox and that it - further on but probably not in relation to the first
    > problem - does not identify a certain dataset, although it is dimensioned and
    > set. What solution do you suggest?
    > I also tried "i = DoEvents" but it doesn't seem to work.

  3. #3
    Wim VL

    RE: shortcut key versus F5

    Thank you JNW. I could solve the problem by changing the order of some of my

    "JNW" wrote:

    > have you tried creating a button to run the code? If that doesn't work, try
    > posting the code.
    > "Wim VL" wrote:
    > > My macro - containing 4 inputboxes and generating 2 tables and corresponding
    > > charts - is running very well by F5, but gives a 424 object error when I use
    > > the designated short cut key. It is clear that it jumps over the second
    > > inputbox and that it - further on but probably not in relation to the first
    > > problem - does not identify a certain dataset, although it is dimensioned and
    > > set. What solution do you suggest?
    > > I also tried "i = DoEvents" but it doesn't seem to work.

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