I have a list of items that are done on a four week basis.
When my spreadsheet opens, it asks the user which week the items is for (1,
2, 3 or 4) via a INPUTBOX.

Within each cell on the worksheet, there is a list of tasks which look
similar to the following example:

1) Update MAFGHI for Week( )
2) Print updates for Week( )

I would like to automatically insert the varible from the macro into Week(
), so that it automatically updates it to Week(4) without having to type it
manually through the document.

The above example would look like this, after the user has input which weeek:

1) Update MAFGHI for Week(4)
2) Print updates for Week(4)

I understand how to set a cell value from a variable, but how do I update
just one character from a variable within a cell that contains mutiple
