i am writing a macro to copy rows which contain certain words.
i am using a macro which i used before to highlight the rows where the word
but i'm not sure about the code i should use now.
i welcome your comments
i am writing a macro to copy rows which contain certain words.
i am using a macro which i used before to highlight the rows where the word
but i'm not sure about the code i should use now.
i welcome your comments
Hi Mike,
Try something like:
Public Sub Tester()
Dim rng As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim copyRng As Range
Dim destRng As Range
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim SH As Worksheet
Dim CalcMode As Long
Dim arr As Variant
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook '<<=== CHANGE
Set SH = WB.Sheets("Sheet1") '<<=== CHANGE
Set rng = SH.Range("A1:A100") '<<=== CHANGE
Set destRng = WB.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2") '<<=== CHANGE
arr = Array("Anne", "Jon", "Kate") '<<===
With Application
CalcMode = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
For Each rCell In rng.Cells
If Not IsError(Application.Match(rCell.Value, arr, 0)) Then
If copyRng Is Nothing Then
Set copyRng = rCell
Set copyRng = Union(rCell, copyRng)
End If
End If
Next rCell
If Not copyRng Is Nothing Then
copyRng.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=destRng
'nothing found, do nothing
End If
With Application
.Calculation = CalcMode
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
"mike" <mike@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> hello,
> i am writing a macro to copy rows which contain certain words.
> i am using a macro which i used before to highlight the rows where the
> word
> appears.
> but i'm not sure about the code i should use now.
> i welcome your comments
> mike
Thanks for that, its along the lines of what i want.
I want to include an input box, so basically heres what happens:
run the macro
input box - enter bob dave or fred
search column c, cells 4 to 100,
copy the row from column a to l where bob lies to sheet 2
any more suggestions
"mike" wrote:
> hello,
> i am writing a macro to copy rows which contain certain words.
> i am using a macro which i used before to highlight the rows where the word
> appears.
> but i'm not sure about the code i should use now.
> i welcome your comments
> mike
Hi Mike
Try EasyFilter for this
Regards Ron de Bruin
"mike" <mike@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:4781C39A-D359-4B82-A461-33E3A96DB3C3@microsoft.com...
> Norman,
> Thanks for that, its along the lines of what i want.
> But,
> I want to include an input box, so basically heres what happens:
> run the macro
> input box - enter bob dave or fred
> search column c, cells 4 to 100,
> copy the row from column a to l where bob lies to sheet 2
> any more suggestions
> thanks
> mike
> "mike" wrote:
>> hello,
>> i am writing a macro to copy rows which contain certain words.
>> i am using a macro which i used before to highlight the rows where the word
>> appears.
>> but i'm not sure about the code i should use now.
>> i welcome your comments
>> mike
Hi Mike,
Go with Ron's suggestion or try this adaptationn of the suggested code:
Public Sub Tester()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim copyRng As Range
Dim destRng As Range
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim SH As Worksheet
Dim CalcMode As Long
Dim arr As Variant
Dim res As Variant
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook '<<=== CHANGE
Set SH = WB.Sheets("Sheet1") '<<=== CHANGE
Set Rng = SH.Range("C4:C100")
Set destRng = WB.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2") '<<=== CHANGE
res = InputBox("Enter search words separated with a space")
If res = "" Then Exit Sub
arr = Split(res, " ")
With Application
CalcMode = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
For Each rCell In Rng.Cells
If Not IsError(Application.Match(rCell.Value, arr, 0)) Then
If copyRng Is Nothing Then
Set copyRng = rCell
Set copyRng = Union(rCell, copyRng)
End If
End If
Next rCell
If Not copyRng Is Nothing Then
copyRng.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=destRng
'nothing found, do nothing
End If
With Application
.Calculation = CalcMode
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
"mike" <mike@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Norman,
> Thanks for that, its along the lines of what i want.
> But,
> I want to include an input box, so basically heres what happens:
> run the macro
> input box - enter bob dave or fred
> search column c, cells 4 to 100,
> copy the row from column a to l where bob lies to sheet 2
> any more suggestions
> thanks
> mike
> "mike" wrote:
>> hello,
>> i am writing a macro to copy rows which contain certain words.
>> i am using a macro which i used before to highlight the rows where the
>> word
>> appears.
>> but i'm not sure about the code i should use now.
>> i welcome your comments
>> mike
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