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OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

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  1. #1
    Timothy Marks

    OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    This is pretty simple. I want to add a button to my
    sheet--programatically. When I do it programatically the project stops.
    Is there a workaround?

    Report").OLEObjects.ADD(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", Link:=False
    , DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=2.25, Top:=256.5, Width:=18.75,
    Height _

    Timothy Marks

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Are you stepping through the code when it stops (using F8's?). If yes, then
    don't step through it.

    Maybe set a break point after that line of code???

    Timothy Marks wrote:
    > This is pretty simple. I want to add a button to my
    > sheet--programatically. When I do it programatically the project stops.
    > Is there a workaround?
    > ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Market
    > Report").OLEObjects.ADD(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", Link:=False
    > _
    > , DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=2.25, Top:=256.5, Width:=18.75,
    > Height _
    > :=9).Select
    > Timothy Marks


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Timothy Marks

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Nope. It all resets and dissapears, cleared all breaks. When the item
    finishes it appears the command button that I just created has the
    focus and it appears to be in development mode on the sheet with all
    the little control dots around it i.e.

    .. . .
    .. . .

  4. #4
    Chris Lavender

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Hi Tim
    If you're using XL97or below (they fixed it after that) then you need to
    tell XL to remove the focus from the command button. I used to find
    something simple like Range("A1").Select did the trick OK.

    Best rgds
    Chris Lav

    "Timothy Marks" <mimiqinc@aol.com> wrote in message
    > Nope. It all resets and dissapears, cleared all breaks. When the item
    > finishes it appears the command button that I just created has the
    > focus and it appears to be in development mode on the sheet with all
    > the little control dots around it i.e.
    > . . .
    > . . .

  5. #5
    Dave Peterson

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Sorry, I don't have a guess.

    Timothy Marks wrote:
    > Nope. It all resets and dissapears, cleared all breaks. When the item
    > finishes it appears the command button that I just created has the
    > focus and it appears to be in development mode on the sheet with all
    > the little control dots around it i.e.
    > . . .
    > . . .


    Dave Peterson

  6. #6
    Timothy Marks

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    I have Excel 2003 SP1. I restarted Excel, I set a reference to a range
    way off the sheet. The code goes to set the reference but then the
    project still ends. Something I have the code snippet I have which I
    copied from a macro is allowing it to go into debug mode. Any ideas?

  7. #7
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Here is what I use...

    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim wbk As Workbook
    Dim cmdButton As OLEObject

    Set wks = ActiveSheet
    Set wbk = ActiveWorkbook

    Set cmdButton = wks.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1",
    Height:=23, Width:=80)

    With cmdButton
    .Top = ActiveCell.Top
    .Left = ActiveCell.Left
    .Object.Caption = "Tada"
    .Object.FontSize = 10
    .Object.Font.Bold = False
    .Object.Font.Underline = False
    .Name = "cmdMyButton"
    .PrintObject = False
    End With

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Timothy Marks" wrote:

    > This is pretty simple. I want to add a button to my
    > sheet--programatically. When I do it programatically the project stops.
    > Is there a workaround?
    > ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Market
    > Report").OLEObjects.ADD(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", Link:=False
    > _
    > , DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=2.25, Top:=256.5, Width:=18.75,
    > Height _
    > :=9).Select
    > Timothy Marks

  8. #8
    Timothy Marks

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Jim I did try that but that does not seem to work either. Do i have
    some enviormental setting that may be causing this.


  9. #9
    Jim Thomlinson

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go d

    Not sure if this causes a problem in 2003, but you could try...
    Select Tools -> Macro's -> Security -> Trusted Sources. Check Allow Access
    to Visual Basic Project. I don't use 2003 here at work so I can ot test it
    for you...

    Jim Thomlinson

    "Timothy Marks" wrote:

    > Jim I did try that but that does not seem to work either. Do i have
    > some enviormental setting that may be causing this.
    > Timothy.

  10. #10
    Timothy Marks

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go d

    I have both checked, Trust access to VBP and Trust all removed all add
    ins and templates. I then deleted all trusted sources and add-ins.
    Nothing has worked.

  11. #11
    Dave Peterson

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Maybe there is.

    Close excel and clean up that windows temp file.

    Windows start button|Run

    Excel stores lots of stuff associated with objects in this temp folder. Maybe
    there are lots of them and excel is getting confused.

    ps. You may want to close other applications when you do this so you don't
    break anything. (I don't bother, but some do.)

    Timothy Marks wrote:
    > Jim I did try that but that does not seem to work either. Do i have
    > some enviormental setting that may be causing this.
    > Timothy.


    Dave Peterson

  12. #12
    Timothy Marks

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    I rebooted my computer, I then cleared out my temp directory. All apps
    were restarted. Still have the same result.

  13. #13
    Dave Peterson

    Re: OLEObjects.ADD causes excel vba project to stop / reset / go dead

    Your code worked fine for me in my simple test workbook.

    Does it work in a brand new workbook for you?

    (I got nothing either way, though.)

    Timothy Marks wrote:
    > I rebooted my computer, I then cleared out my temp directory. All apps
    > were restarted. Still have the same result.


    Dave Peterson

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