If the functions in the freely downloadable file at
http://home.pacbell.net/beban are available to your workbook (watch for
word wrap)
Sub testIt3a()
Dim arrColor, arrUniq, arrNum, arrOutput
Dim iRows As Long, i As Long
Dim rng As Range
arrColor = Array("Red", "Blue", "Red", "Orange", "Orange", "Red",
"Green", "Blue")
arrUniq = ArrayUniques(arrColor)
iRows = UBound(arrUniq, 1)
ReDim arrNum(1 To iRows, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To iRows
arrNum(i, 1) = ArrayCountIf(arrColor, arrUniq(i, 1))
ReDim arrOutput(1 To iRows, 1 To 2)
For i = 1 To iRows
arrOutput(i, 1) = arrUniq(i, 1)
arrOutput(i, 2) = arrNum(i, 1)
Set rng = Range("A1").Resize(iRows, 2)
rng.Value = arrOutput
End Sub
Alan Beban
quartz wrote:
> I am using Office 2003 on Windows XP.
> I need to be able to count the number of each item in a single element
> array, then write out the counts.
> For example, if the array contains:
> Red, Blue, Red, Orange, Orange, Red, Green, Blue
> My result would be:
> A1: Red B1: 3
> A2: Blue B2: 2
> A3: Orange B3: 2
> A4: Green B4: 1
> If anyone has a function to which I could pass my array to output the counts
> or could share some code I could adapt it would be most appreciated.
> Thanks much in advance.