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How can I speed up my VBA simulation??

  1. #1

    How can I speed up my VBA simulation??

    Hi all

    I tried several tricks to simplify my VBA codes for running a Monte
    Carlo simulation in an efficient fashion. My goal is to runs at least
    10,000 simulation trials each of which has at least 250 runs (or
    trading days). I wonder if you could advise on how to speed up this
    Monte Carlo simulation such that I can use these codes to obtain the
    results for 9,000 observations (or companies).

    This simulation applies a variant of Robert Merton's (1974)
    option-pricing model to derive the probability of default for a given
    company. Thanks very much for your help!!

    Kind Regards,


    The VBA codes are as follows:

    Option Explicit
    Option Base 1

    Sub MonteCarlo()

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
    SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    With Selection
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    .WrapText = False
    .Orientation = 0
    .AddIndent = False
    .IndentLevel = 0
    .ShrinkToFit = False
    .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    .MergeCells = False

    Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime") = Time
    Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"

    Dim NumberOfRuns As Integer
    Dim NumberOfTrials As Integer
    Dim NumberOfFirms As Integer

    NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value
    NumberOfTrials = Worksheets("Control").Range("D2").Value

    'Need to set the number of firms in a manual manner!!
    NumberOfFirms = 1000

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim k As Integer

    Dim InputData As Range
    Dim OutputData As Range

    Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")

    'Dim Plot As Range
    'Set Plot = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B1:K10")

    Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As

    ReDim AssetValue(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    ReDim AssetValueChange(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns)
    As Double

    ReDim DefaultPoint(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    ReDim AssetVolatility(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    ReDim DriftROA(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As Double
    ReDim DividendYield(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    ReDim TimeIncrement(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As

    ReDim RawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    ReDim CumulativeRawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    NumberOfRuns) As Double

    ReDim Default(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfTrials) As
    ReDim CumulativeDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    NumberOfTrials) As Double

    ReDim DefaultRate(1 To NumberOfFirms) As Single

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    RandomNumbers(i, j) = Rnd()
    Next j
    Next i

    For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    DefaultPoint(i, j) = DefaultPoint(i, 0)
    DriftROA(i, j) = DriftROA(i, 0)
    DividendYield(i, j) = DividendYield(i, 0)
    AssetVolatility(i, j) = AssetVolatility(i, 0)
    TimeIncrement(i, j) = TimeIncrement(i, 0)
    Next j
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    AssetValueChange(i, j) = Application.NormInv(RandomNumbers(i,
    j), (DriftROA(i, j) - DividendYield(i, j)) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    TimeIncrement(i, j), AssetVolatility(i, j) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    Sqr(TimeIncrement(i, j)))
    AssetValue(i, j) = AssetValue(i, j - 1) + AssetValueChange(i,
    Next j
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    CumulativeRawDefault(i, 0) = 0
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    If AssetValue(i, j) < DefaultPoint(i, j) Then
    RawDefault(i, j) = 1
    RawDefault(i, j) = 0
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    CumulativeRawDefault(i, j) = CumulativeRawDefault(i, j - 1) +
    RawDefault(i, j)
    Next j
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    If CumulativeRawDefault(i, NumberOfRuns) > 0 Then
    Default(i, k) = 1
    Default(i, k) = 0
    End If
    Next i

    Worksheets("Control").Range("elapsed") = Time -
    Range("elapsed").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"

    Worksheets("Control").Range("D20") = k

    Next k

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    CumulativeDefault(i, 0) = 0
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    CumulativeDefault(i, k) = CumulativeDefault(i, k - 1) +
    Default(i, k)
    Next k
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    DefaultRate(i) = CumulativeDefault(i, NumberOfTrials) /
    Next i

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    OutputData.Cells(i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    Next i

    Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime") = Time
    Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    End With
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: How can I speed up my VBA simulation??

    Multiple Dims don't work that way.


    Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As

    Will Dim RandomNumbers as double and all the others as Variant.

    I wouldn't be surprised if changing just that increases your speed

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "Andy" <chiyuids@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > Hi all
    > I tried several tricks to simplify my VBA codes for running a Monte
    > Carlo simulation in an efficient fashion. My goal is to runs at least
    > 10,000 simulation trials each of which has at least 250 runs (or
    > trading days). I wonder if you could advise on how to speed up this
    > Monte Carlo simulation such that I can use these codes to obtain the
    > results for 9,000 observations (or companies).
    > This simulation applies a variant of Robert Merton's (1974)
    > option-pricing model to derive the probability of default for a given
    > company. Thanks very much for your help!!
    > Kind Regards,
    > Andy
    > The VBA codes are as follows:
    > Option Explicit
    > Option Base 1
    > Sub MonteCarlo()
    > Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    > Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Clear
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("C9:C11").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Select
    > Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
    > SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > With Selection
    > .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    > .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    > .WrapText = False
    > .Orientation = 0
    > .AddIndent = False
    > .IndentLevel = 0
    > .ShrinkToFit = False
    > .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    > .MergeCells = False
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime") = Time
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    > Dim NumberOfRuns As Integer
    > Dim NumberOfTrials As Integer
    > Dim NumberOfFirms As Integer
    > NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value
    > NumberOfTrials = Worksheets("Control").Range("D2").Value
    > 'Need to set the number of firms in a manual manner!!
    > NumberOfFirms = 1000
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim j As Integer
    > Dim k As Integer
    > Dim InputData As Range
    > Dim OutputData As Range
    > Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    > Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")
    > 'Dim Plot As Range
    > 'Set Plot = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B1:K10")
    > Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    > CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    > ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim AssetValue(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim AssetValueChange(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns)
    > As Double
    > ReDim DefaultPoint(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim AssetVolatility(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim DriftROA(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As Double
    > ReDim DividendYield(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim TimeIncrement(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim RawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim CumulativeRawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    > NumberOfRuns) As Double
    > ReDim Default(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfTrials) As
    > Double
    > ReDim CumulativeDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    > NumberOfTrials) As Double
    > ReDim DefaultRate(1 To NumberOfFirms) As Single
    > Randomize
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > RandomNumbers(i, j) = Rnd()
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    > DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    > AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    > DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    > DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    > TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > DefaultPoint(i, j) = DefaultPoint(i, 0)
    > DriftROA(i, j) = DriftROA(i, 0)
    > DividendYield(i, j) = DividendYield(i, 0)
    > AssetVolatility(i, j) = AssetVolatility(i, 0)
    > TimeIncrement(i, j) = TimeIncrement(i, 0)
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > AssetValueChange(i, j) = Application.NormInv(RandomNumbers(i,
    > j), (DriftROA(i, j) - DividendYield(i, j)) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    > TimeIncrement(i, j), AssetVolatility(i, j) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    > Sqr(TimeIncrement(i, j)))
    > AssetValue(i, j) = AssetValue(i, j - 1) + AssetValueChange(i,
    > j)
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > CumulativeRawDefault(i, 0) = 0
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > If AssetValue(i, j) < DefaultPoint(i, j) Then
    > RawDefault(i, j) = 1
    > Else
    > RawDefault(i, j) = 0
    > End If
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > CumulativeRawDefault(i, j) = CumulativeRawDefault(i, j - 1) +
    > RawDefault(i, j)
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > If CumulativeRawDefault(i, NumberOfRuns) > 0 Then
    > Default(i, k) = 1
    > Else
    > Default(i, k) = 0
    > End If
    > Next i
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("elapsed") = Time -
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime")
    > Range("elapsed").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D20") = k
    > Next k
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > CumulativeDefault(i, 0) = 0
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    > CumulativeDefault(i, k) = CumulativeDefault(i, k - 1) +
    > Default(i, k)
    > Next k
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > DefaultRate(i) = CumulativeDefault(i, NumberOfTrials) /
    > NumberOfTrials
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > OutputData.Cells(i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    > Next i
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime") = Time
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    > Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    > End With
    > End Sub

  3. #3
    Niek Otten

    Re: How can I speed up my VBA simulation??

    Sorry, should have read further; probably the ReDimming corrects this

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "Niek Otten" <nicolaus@xs4all.nl> wrote in message
    > Multiple Dims don't work that way.
    > This:
    > Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    > CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    > ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > Will Dim RandomNumbers as double and all the others as Variant.
    > I wouldn't be surprised if changing just that increases your speed
    > sufficiently
    > --
    > Kind regards,
    > Niek Otten
    > "Andy" <chiyuids@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > news:1133619785.226063.45070@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
    >> Hi all
    >> I tried several tricks to simplify my VBA codes for running a Monte
    >> Carlo simulation in an efficient fashion. My goal is to runs at least
    >> 10,000 simulation trials each of which has at least 250 runs (or
    >> trading days). I wonder if you could advise on how to speed up this
    >> Monte Carlo simulation such that I can use these codes to obtain the
    >> results for 9,000 observations (or companies).
    >> This simulation applies a variant of Robert Merton's (1974)
    >> option-pricing model to derive the probability of default for a given
    >> company. Thanks very much for your help!!
    >> Kind Regards,
    >> Andy
    >> The VBA codes are as follows:
    >> Option Explicit
    >> Option Base 1
    >> Sub MonteCarlo()
    >> Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    >> Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Clear
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("C9:C11").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Select
    >> Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
    >> SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> With Selection
    >> .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    >> .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    >> .WrapText = False
    >> .Orientation = 0
    >> .AddIndent = False
    >> .IndentLevel = 0
    >> .ShrinkToFit = False
    >> .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    >> .MergeCells = False
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime") = Time
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    >> Dim NumberOfRuns As Integer
    >> Dim NumberOfTrials As Integer
    >> Dim NumberOfFirms As Integer
    >> NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value
    >> NumberOfTrials = Worksheets("Control").Range("D2").Value
    >> 'Need to set the number of firms in a manual manner!!
    >> NumberOfFirms = 1000
    >> Dim i As Integer
    >> Dim j As Integer
    >> Dim k As Integer
    >> Dim InputData As Range
    >> Dim OutputData As Range
    >> Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    >> Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")
    >> 'Dim Plot As Range
    >> 'Set Plot = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B1:K10")
    >> Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    >> CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    >> ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim AssetValue(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim AssetValueChange(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns)
    >> As Double
    >> ReDim DefaultPoint(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim AssetVolatility(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim DriftROA(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As Double
    >> ReDim DividendYield(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim TimeIncrement(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim RawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim CumulativeRawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    >> NumberOfRuns) As Double
    >> ReDim Default(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfTrials) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim CumulativeDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    >> NumberOfTrials) As Double
    >> ReDim DefaultRate(1 To NumberOfFirms) As Single
    >> Randomize
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> RandomNumbers(i, j) = Rnd()
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    >> DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    >> AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    >> DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    >> DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    >> TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> DefaultPoint(i, j) = DefaultPoint(i, 0)
    >> DriftROA(i, j) = DriftROA(i, 0)
    >> DividendYield(i, j) = DividendYield(i, 0)
    >> AssetVolatility(i, j) = AssetVolatility(i, 0)
    >> TimeIncrement(i, j) = TimeIncrement(i, 0)
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> AssetValueChange(i, j) = Application.NormInv(RandomNumbers(i,
    >> j), (DriftROA(i, j) - DividendYield(i, j)) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    >> TimeIncrement(i, j), AssetVolatility(i, j) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    >> Sqr(TimeIncrement(i, j)))
    >> AssetValue(i, j) = AssetValue(i, j - 1) + AssetValueChange(i,
    >> j)
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> CumulativeRawDefault(i, 0) = 0
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> If AssetValue(i, j) < DefaultPoint(i, j) Then
    >> RawDefault(i, j) = 1
    >> Else
    >> RawDefault(i, j) = 0
    >> End If
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> CumulativeRawDefault(i, j) = CumulativeRawDefault(i, j - 1) +
    >> RawDefault(i, j)
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> If CumulativeRawDefault(i, NumberOfRuns) > 0 Then
    >> Default(i, k) = 1
    >> Else
    >> Default(i, k) = 0
    >> End If
    >> Next i
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("elapsed") = Time -
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime")
    >> Range("elapsed").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("D20") = k
    >> Next k
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> CumulativeDefault(i, 0) = 0
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    >> CumulativeDefault(i, k) = CumulativeDefault(i, k - 1) +
    >> Default(i, k)
    >> Next k
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> DefaultRate(i) = CumulativeDefault(i, NumberOfTrials) /
    >> NumberOfTrials
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> OutputData.Cells(i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    >> Next i
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime") = Time
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    >> Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    >> End With
    >> End Sub


  4. #4

    Re: How can I speed up my VBA simulation??

    I think there's a number of things you can do. An overview:

    (1) Avoid looping through and making multiple read/writes to the
    worksheet - use arrays instead. Example at foot of post. I think this is
    most relevant to you and will drastically improve performance. I would
    wager that if you do this you'll probably see a %50 or more reduction in
    time to run.

    (2) Every time you update the worksheet (for each of your writes, Excel
    is updating the screen. Stop this with Application.ScreenUpdating =
    False at the top of your code and then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    APOLOGIES! (I'll leave this line in anyway as a general comment.)

    (3) You may have other events firing in your Excel instance every time
    you update a sheet. Make (careful) use of Application.EnableEvents =
    False/True when making a write to prevent this. Be careful to always
    switch it back on.

    (4) There's no need to select and clear/copy ranges e.g.


    Just to it directly as in:
    Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Value = _
    or even
    With worksheets("Control")
    .Range("D9:D11").Value = .Range("C9:C11").Value
    end with

    Although since you don't do this often it won't really be hitting

    (5) Place some code in your procedure like:
    Debug.Print "Beginning Loop A" & vbtab & format(now, "nn:ss")
    This will help you realise where the major bottlenecks are.

    (6) Use With / End With when addressing the same object repeatedly e.g.
    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    Next i
    With InputData
    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    AssetValue(i, 0) = .Cells(i, 1).Value
    Next i
    End with
    (Example only.... I would use arrays anyway in this instance...)

    (7) Update the Application.StatusBar at verious stages in the
    procedure. OK - it won't speed things up but it at least shows you it's
    doing something so might make it seem faster! Set to False at the
    procedure end.

    Back to point 1... Writing to and reading from the spreadsheet multiple
    times can often *really* slow things down. I've done comparisons in the
    past and been amazed at the results.

    I wouldn't be bothered about the "one-offs" like:

    NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value

    But things like:
    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    Next i

    involve 5000 separate reads which will definitely take a while.

    I would load everything into an array and loop through that instead - I
    think you'll be surprised at how much quicker it is.

    For example, this isn't exactly how I would do it but as a quick amendment:

    Dim InputData As Range, arrInputData as Variant
    Dim OutputData As Range, arrOutputData as Variant

    Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    'Load the entire range into an array
    arrInputData = InputData
    Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")
    arrOutputData = OutputData 'a lazy way of dimensioning
    'the output array

    'then, in your loop, read the array rather than the worksheet
    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    AssetValue(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 1)
    DefaultPoint(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 2)
    AssetVolatility(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 3)
    DriftROA(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 4)
    DividendYield(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 5)
    TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    Next i

    When you need to write back to the worksheet you should do something like:

    'load up the output into our output array
    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    arrOutputData (i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    Next i
    'Write all your data back in one fell swoop rather than piecemeal.
    OutputData = arrOutputData

    That's about it. I hope this helps.


    Andy wrote:
    > Hi all
    > I tried several tricks to simplify my VBA codes for running a Monte
    > Carlo simulation in an efficient fashion. My goal is to runs at least
    > 10,000 simulation trials each of which has at least 250 runs (or
    > trading days). I wonder if you could advise on how to speed up this
    > Monte Carlo simulation such that I can use these codes to obtain the
    > results for 9,000 observations (or companies).
    > This simulation applies a variant of Robert Merton's (1974)
    > option-pricing model to derive the probability of default for a given
    > company. Thanks very much for your help!!
    > Kind Regards,
    > Andy
    > The VBA codes are as follows:
    > Option Explicit
    > Option Base 1
    > Sub MonteCarlo()
    > Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    > Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Clear
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("C9:C11").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Select
    > Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
    > SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > With Selection
    > .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    > .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    > .WrapText = False
    > .Orientation = 0
    > .AddIndent = False
    > .IndentLevel = 0
    > .ShrinkToFit = False
    > .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    > .MergeCells = False
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime") = Time
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    > Dim NumberOfRuns As Integer
    > Dim NumberOfTrials As Integer
    > Dim NumberOfFirms As Integer
    > NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value
    > NumberOfTrials = Worksheets("Control").Range("D2").Value
    > 'Need to set the number of firms in a manual manner!!
    > NumberOfFirms = 1000
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim j As Integer
    > Dim k As Integer
    > Dim InputData As Range
    > Dim OutputData As Range
    > Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    > Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")
    > 'Dim Plot As Range
    > 'Set Plot = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B1:K10")
    > Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    > CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    > ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim AssetValue(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim AssetValueChange(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns)
    > As Double
    > ReDim DefaultPoint(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim AssetVolatility(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim DriftROA(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As Double
    > ReDim DividendYield(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim TimeIncrement(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim RawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    > Double
    > ReDim CumulativeRawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    > NumberOfRuns) As Double
    > ReDim Default(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfTrials) As
    > Double
    > ReDim CumulativeDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    > NumberOfTrials) As Double
    > ReDim DefaultRate(1 To NumberOfFirms) As Single
    > Randomize
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > RandomNumbers(i, j) = Rnd()
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    > DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    > AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    > DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    > DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    > TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > DefaultPoint(i, j) = DefaultPoint(i, 0)
    > DriftROA(i, j) = DriftROA(i, 0)
    > DividendYield(i, j) = DividendYield(i, 0)
    > AssetVolatility(i, j) = AssetVolatility(i, 0)
    > TimeIncrement(i, j) = TimeIncrement(i, 0)
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > AssetValueChange(i, j) = Application.NormInv(RandomNumbers(i,
    > j), (DriftROA(i, j) - DividendYield(i, j)) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    > TimeIncrement(i, j), AssetVolatility(i, j) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    > Sqr(TimeIncrement(i, j)))
    > AssetValue(i, j) = AssetValue(i, j - 1) + AssetValueChange(i,
    > j)
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > CumulativeRawDefault(i, 0) = 0
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > If AssetValue(i, j) < DefaultPoint(i, j) Then
    > RawDefault(i, j) = 1
    > Else
    > RawDefault(i, j) = 0
    > End If
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    > CumulativeRawDefault(i, j) = CumulativeRawDefault(i, j - 1) +
    > RawDefault(i, j)
    > Next j
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > If CumulativeRawDefault(i, NumberOfRuns) > 0 Then
    > Default(i, k) = 1
    > Else
    > Default(i, k) = 0
    > End If
    > Next i
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("elapsed") = Time -
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime")
    > Range("elapsed").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D20") = k
    > Next k
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > CumulativeDefault(i, 0) = 0
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    > CumulativeDefault(i, k) = CumulativeDefault(i, k - 1) +
    > Default(i, k)
    > Next k
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > DefaultRate(i) = CumulativeDefault(i, NumberOfTrials) /
    > NumberOfTrials
    > Next i
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > OutputData.Cells(i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    > Next i
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime") = Time
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    > Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    > End With
    > End Sub

  5. #5

    Re: How can I speed up my VBA simulation??

    As a caveat to my <you'll probably see a %50 or more reduction in time
    to run> claim.

    That goes only for the sections where you're reading to and from the
    worksheet. Obviously it won't affect things like:

    For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    If AssetValue(i, j) < DefaultPoint(i, j) Then
    RawDefault(i, j) = 1
    RawDefault(i, j) = 0
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    Depending on the NumberOfRuns this could of course take an age. If you
    want to hone the code mathematically.... I ain't your man!

    Gman wrote:
    > I think there's a number of things you can do. An overview:
    > (1) Avoid looping through and making multiple read/writes to the
    > worksheet - use arrays instead. Example at foot of post. I think this is
    > most relevant to you and will drastically improve performance. I would
    > wager that if you do this you'll probably see a %50 or more reduction in
    > time to run.
    > (2) Every time you update the worksheet (for each of your writes, Excel
    > is updating the screen. Stop this with Application.ScreenUpdating =
    > False at the top of your code and then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    > APOLOGIES! (I'll leave this line in anyway as a general comment.)
    > (3) You may have other events firing in your Excel instance every time
    > you update a sheet. Make (careful) use of Application.EnableEvents =
    > False/True when making a write to prevent this. Be careful to always
    > switch it back on.
    > (4) There's no need to select and clear/copy ranges e.g.
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Clear
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("C9:C11").Select
    > Selection.Copy
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Select
    > etc.
    > Just to it directly as in:
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Value = _
    > Worksheets("Control").Range("C9:C11").Value
    > or even
    > With worksheets("Control")
    > .Range("D9:D11").Value = .Range("C9:C11").Value
    > end with
    > Although since you don't do this often it won't really be hitting
    > performance.
    > (5) Place some code in your procedure like:
    > Debug.Print "Beginning Loop A" & vbtab & format(now, "nn:ss")
    > This will help you realise where the major bottlenecks are.
    > (6) Use With / End With when addressing the same object repeatedly e.g.
    > not:
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    > Next i
    > but:
    > With InputData
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > AssetValue(i, 0) = .Cells(i, 1).Value
    > Next i
    > End with
    > (Example only.... I would use arrays anyway in this instance...)
    > (7) Update the Application.StatusBar at verious stages in the
    > procedure. OK - it won't speed things up but it at least shows you it's
    > doing something so might make it seem faster! Set to False at the
    > procedure end.
    > Back to point 1... Writing to and reading from the spreadsheet multiple
    > times can often *really* slow things down. I've done comparisons in the
    > past and been amazed at the results.
    > I wouldn't be bothered about the "one-offs" like:
    > NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value
    > But things like:
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    > DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    > AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    > DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    > DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    > TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    > Next i
    > involve 5000 separate reads which will definitely take a while.
    > I would load everything into an array and loop through that instead - I
    > think you'll be surprised at how much quicker it is.
    > For example, this isn't exactly how I would do it but as a quick amendment:
    > Dim InputData As Range, arrInputData as Variant
    > Dim OutputData As Range, arrOutputData as Variant
    > Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    > 'Load the entire range into an array
    > arrInputData = InputData
    > Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")
    > Outputdata.clear
    > arrOutputData = OutputData 'a lazy way of dimensioning
    > 'the output array
    > 'then, in your loop, read the array rather than the worksheet
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > AssetValue(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 1)
    > DefaultPoint(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 2)
    > AssetVolatility(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 3)
    > DriftROA(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 4)
    > DividendYield(i, 0) = arrInputData(i, 5)
    > TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    > Next i
    > When you need to write back to the worksheet you should do something like:
    > 'load up the output into our output array
    > For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    > arrOutputData (i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    > Next i
    > 'Write all your data back in one fell swoop rather than piecemeal.
    > OutputData = arrOutputData
    > That's about it. I hope this helps.
    > Gman
    > Andy wrote:
    >> Hi all
    >> I tried several tricks to simplify my VBA codes for running a Monte
    >> Carlo simulation in an efficient fashion. My goal is to runs at least
    >> 10,000 simulation trials each of which has at least 250 runs (or
    >> trading days). I wonder if you could advise on how to speed up this
    >> Monte Carlo simulation such that I can use these codes to obtain the
    >> results for 9,000 observations (or companies).
    >> This simulation applies a variant of Robert Merton's (1974)
    >> option-pricing model to derive the probability of default for a given
    >> company. Thanks very much for your help!!
    >> Kind Regards,
    >> Andy
    >> The VBA codes are as follows:
    >> Option Explicit
    >> Option Base 1
    >> Sub MonteCarlo()
    >> Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    >> Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Clear
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("C9:C11").Select
    >> Selection.Copy
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("D9:D11").Select
    >> Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
    >> SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    >> Application.CutCopyMode = False
    >> With Selection
    >> .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    >> .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    >> .WrapText = False
    >> .Orientation = 0
    >> .AddIndent = False
    >> .IndentLevel = 0
    >> .ShrinkToFit = False
    >> .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    >> .MergeCells = False
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime") = Time
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    >> Dim NumberOfRuns As Integer
    >> Dim NumberOfTrials As Integer
    >> Dim NumberOfFirms As Integer
    >> NumberOfRuns = Worksheets("Control").Range("D1").Value
    >> NumberOfTrials = Worksheets("Control").Range("D2").Value
    >> 'Need to set the number of firms in a manual manner!!
    >> NumberOfFirms = 1000
    >> Dim i As Integer
    >> Dim j As Integer
    >> Dim k As Integer
    >> Dim InputData As Range
    >> Dim OutputData As Range
    >> Set InputData = Worksheets("InputDataSheet").Range("C3:G1002")
    >> Set OutputData = Worksheets("OutputDataSheet").Range("C3:C1002")
    >> 'Dim Plot As Range
    >> 'Set Plot = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B1:K10")
    >> Dim RandomNumbers, AssetValue, AssetValueChange, RawDefault,
    >> CumulativeRawDefault, Default, CumulativeDefault, DefaultRate
    >> ReDim RandomNumbers(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim AssetValue(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim AssetValueChange(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns)
    >> As Double
    >> ReDim DefaultPoint(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim AssetVolatility(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim DriftROA(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As Double
    >> ReDim DividendYield(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim TimeIncrement(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim RawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfRuns) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim CumulativeRawDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    >> NumberOfRuns) As Double
    >> ReDim Default(1 To NumberOfFirms, 1 To NumberOfTrials) As
    >> Double
    >> ReDim CumulativeDefault(1 To NumberOfFirms, 0 To
    >> NumberOfTrials) As Double
    >> ReDim DefaultRate(1 To NumberOfFirms) As Single
    >> Randomize
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> RandomNumbers(i, j) = Rnd()
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> AssetValue(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 1).Value
    >> DefaultPoint(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 2).Value
    >> AssetVolatility(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 3).Value
    >> DriftROA(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 4).Value
    >> DividendYield(i, 0) = InputData.Cells(i, 5).Value
    >> TimeIncrement(i, 0) = 1 / NumberOfRuns
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> DefaultPoint(i, j) = DefaultPoint(i, 0)
    >> DriftROA(i, j) = DriftROA(i, 0)
    >> DividendYield(i, j) = DividendYield(i, 0)
    >> AssetVolatility(i, j) = AssetVolatility(i, 0)
    >> TimeIncrement(i, j) = TimeIncrement(i, 0)
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> AssetValueChange(i, j) = Application.NormInv(RandomNumbers(i,
    >> j), (DriftROA(i, j) - DividendYield(i, j)) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    >> TimeIncrement(i, j), AssetVolatility(i, j) * AssetValue(i, j - 1) *
    >> Sqr(TimeIncrement(i, j)))
    >> AssetValue(i, j) = AssetValue(i, j - 1) + AssetValueChange(i,
    >> j)
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> CumulativeRawDefault(i, 0) = 0
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> If AssetValue(i, j) < DefaultPoint(i, j) Then
    >> RawDefault(i, j) = 1
    >> Else
    >> RawDefault(i, j) = 0
    >> End If
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For j = 1 To NumberOfRuns
    >> CumulativeRawDefault(i, j) = CumulativeRawDefault(i, j - 1) +
    >> RawDefault(i, j)
    >> Next j
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> If CumulativeRawDefault(i, NumberOfRuns) > 0 Then
    >> Default(i, k) = 1
    >> Else
    >> Default(i, k) = 0
    >> End If
    >> Next i
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("elapsed") = Time -
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("starttime")
    >> Range("elapsed").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("D20") = k
    >> Next k
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> CumulativeDefault(i, 0) = 0
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> For k = 1 To NumberOfTrials
    >> CumulativeDefault(i, k) = CumulativeDefault(i, k - 1) +
    >> Default(i, k)
    >> Next k
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> DefaultRate(i) = CumulativeDefault(i, NumberOfTrials) /
    >> NumberOfTrials
    >> Next i
    >> For i = 1 To NumberOfFirms
    >> OutputData.Cells(i, 1) = DefaultRate(i)
    >> Next i
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime") = Time
    >> Worksheets("Control").Range("stoptime").NumberFormat = "dd:hh:mm:ss"
    >> Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    >> End With
    >> End Sub

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