I have a workbook with several worksheets including three (GraphData, HubsAmt
and HubsBal) that are setup the same but hold different totals. I have been
able to setup Named Ranges on each of the the 3 sheets using common names...
I believe this is called multilevel ranges.

Now I am manually trying to add another range (ConsHubDir) on each of the
three sheets but it only remembers the last one setup up. For example: I
select the range on the HubsBal sheet, goto Insert/Name/Define and type in
ConsHubDir and hit Add and then OK. Now I click on the GraphData sheet and
do the same thing.

Then if I switch back to HubsBal and do F5 and select ConsHunDir it takes me
to the GraphData range not the HubsBal range.

What seems to be the problem here? Thanks for any input!