Worksheet level names or local names (as opposed to Workbook level names or
global names).

My bet is you created a workbook level name and it's confusing excel.

You could delete that name and start again or you could use Jan Karel Pieterse's
(with Charles Williams and Matthew Henson) Name Manager:

You can find it at:
NameManager.Zip from

It has the ability to convert names with a click of the button.

Cheer-Phil-ly wrote:
> I have a workbook with several worksheets including three (GraphData, HubsAmt
> and HubsBal) that are setup the same but hold different totals. I have been
> able to setup Named Ranges on each of the the 3 sheets using common names...
> I believe this is called multilevel ranges.
> Now I am manually trying to add another range (ConsHubDir) on each of the
> three sheets but it only remembers the last one setup up. For example: I
> select the range on the HubsBal sheet, goto Insert/Name/Define and type in
> ConsHubDir and hit Add and then OK. Now I click on the GraphData sheet and
> do the same thing.
> Then if I switch back to HubsBal and do F5 and select ConsHunDir it takes me
> to the GraphData range not the HubsBal range.
> What seems to be the problem here? Thanks for any input!


Dave Peterson