Hi All,
I am after some advice on how to tackle a problem I regularly come up
against - I am currently updating this manually but it is quite time
consuming and open to errors. I have a list of dates of when certain events
will take place on the Source Data sheet. The data is formatted as
Task ID Task Name Task Start Date Task Finish Date Location
The calender sheet then has the date listed in column A, and 1 column for
each Location. Each cell on the calender sheet then obviosly refers to a
specific location on a specific day. I essentially need to transfer the
information from the date list onto a calender so that the relevent task
name appears in the related date / location cell.
I have been trying to do this using a function that contains a Sumproduct
formula (using evaluate) but it is very complicated and seems a very hard
way to do it. Has anyone else had to do anything similar to this? Any
advice? I was trying to create a dynamic solution but the problem here will
be if any of the tasks overlap?
I have included my current code below just in case someone can spot my
Function DepCHRT()
Dim Var_WorkBK As String, Var_SheetZZ As String
Dim Var_ENV_ColNum As Integer, Var_ENV_ColLet As String
Dim Var_Date_Row As Integer
Dim strTask_Start As String, strTask_Finish As String, strTask_Type As
Dim str_Date As String, strTask_DCIT As String
Dim ColType As String, EvalSTR As String, str_Type As String
'Find Location of Function
Var_WorkBK = Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.Name 'Workbook
Var_SheetZZ = Application.Caller.Parent.Name 'Sheet
Var_ENV_ColNum = Application.Caller.Column 'Column
Var_Date_Row = Application.Caller.Row 'Row where date is
ColType = Col2Type(Var_ENV_ColNum) 'Column Type string
'ColType = """" & ColType & """"
'Convert Column number to Letter
If Var_ENV_ColNum > 26 Then
Var_ENV_ColLet = Chr(Int((Var_ENV_ColNum - 1) / 26) + 64) & _
Chr(((Var_ENV_ColNum - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
' Columns A-Z
Var_ENV_ColLet = Chr(Var_ENV_ColNum + 64)
End If
'Strings for use in evaluate formula
strTask_Start = "'" & Var_WorkBK & "'!LU_DC_Start" 'Address of Task
strTask_Finish = "'" & Var_WorkBK & "'!LU_DC_Finish" 'Address of Task
strTask_Type = "'" & Var_WorkBK & "'!LU_DC_Type" 'Address of Task
strTask_DCIT = "'" & Var_WorkBK & "'!LU_DC_ID" 'Address of DC task
str_Type = "'" & Var_SheetZZ & "'!$" & Var_ENV_ColLet & "$65536"
'Address of Cell's Date
str_Date = "'" & Var_SheetZZ & "'!$A$" & Var_Date_Row 'Address of Column
'Evaluate Formula
EvalSTR = ("SUMPRODUCT((" & str_Date & ">=" & strTask_Start & ")" & _
"*(" & str_Date & "<=" & strTask_Finish & ")*" & _
"(""" & ColType & """=" & strTask_Type & ")*(" & strTask_DCIT & "))")
DepCHRT = Evaluate(EvalSTR)
Exit Function
Err: 'Error Handling
DepCHRT = "Error"
End Function