
I am currentl yworking on something like a feedback from. The form is
devised in Excel and the answers have been given in a Drop Down list. SO, the
person giving feedback needs to select only 'Yes', 'No', or 'N/A'. Now I have
1000's of tehse sheets in batches of 40 from each region.

I need to collate a summary for each region. Is there a way by which I can
acess these worksheets region wise and collect (sum up) the 'Yes', 'No' and
'N/A' for each region. These are in cell 'I10' in all the sheets.

Also, each region has 'n' number of feedback forms where 'n' is not known.
Can we stil lcollate a summary?

Any help in this issue wil lbe deeply appreciated.

Thanks in anticipation of all your help.
