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return a cell address?

  1. #1
    green fox

    return a cell address?

    I'm trying to loop through column of text for a word (SECTIONS) and
    another (GROUPS). Where these are in the column varies although they
    appear in that order. The two words frame a range that includes from 4
    to 15 cells.

    trycell = c.Value
    If trycell = "SECTIONS" Then
    rngStart = c.Offset(1, 0)

    it's part of a for...next loop with a nested if. rngStart is dim'd as a
    but the c.Offset( 1,0) defaults to returning the value in the cell. I
    need the range from that and the range from the second word to assign
    it to a variable. I will be using the values from the selected range to
    create an array. I haven't found anything in 'help' about returning a
    cell address. Any ideas would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Gary Keramidas

    Re: return a cell address?

    c.address would give you the cell address
    c.value would give you the value of the cell



    "green fox" <a.fox@sympatico.ca> wrote in message
    > I'm trying to loop through column of text for a word (SECTIONS) and
    > another (GROUPS). Where these are in the column varies although they
    > appear in that order. The two words frame a range that includes from 4
    > to 15 cells.
    > trycell = c.Value
    > If trycell = "SECTIONS" Then
    > c.Activate
    > rngStart = c.Offset(1, 0)
    > it's part of a for...next loop with a nested if. rngStart is dim'd as a
    > range,
    > but the c.Offset( 1,0) defaults to returning the value in the cell. I
    > need the range from that and the range from the second word to assign
    > it to a variable. I will be using the values from the selected range to
    > create an array. I haven't found anything in 'help' about returning a
    > cell address. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    > Andy

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: return a cell address?

    Make sure you:
    Dim RngStart as Range

    Then you'll get yelled at when you do this:
    rngStart = c.Offset(1, 0)

    you'll want:

    Set rngStart = c.Offset(1, 0)

    If you didn't declare RngStart, then excel saw that variable as a Variant.

    By not using Set, it _knew_ you wanted to use the value (the default property of
    that range).

    green fox wrote:
    > I'm trying to loop through column of text for a word (SECTIONS) and
    > another (GROUPS). Where these are in the column varies although they
    > appear in that order. The two words frame a range that includes from 4
    > to 15 cells.
    > trycell = c.Value
    > If trycell = "SECTIONS" Then
    > c.Activate
    > rngStart = c.Offset(1, 0)
    > it's part of a for...next loop with a nested if. rngStart is dim'd as a
    > range,
    > but the c.Offset( 1,0) defaults to returning the value in the cell. I
    > need the range from that and the range from the second word to assign
    > it to a variable. I will be using the values from the selected range to
    > create an array. I haven't found anything in 'help' about returning a
    > cell address. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    > Andy


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    green fox

    Re: return a cell address?

    I tried using address, but it didn't appear to return anything...It
    made sense to me that that was what address refered to, however I was
    unsure of what arguments to use after. I'll try again.


  5. #5
    green fox

    Re: return a cell address?

    Thanks Dave,

    Even with the changes rngStart returns the value when the condition is
    met. I've tried using

    Set rngStart = c.Offset(1,0).Address

    but I get a type mismatch error.

    Do you think I would be better off assigning names to the cells, then
    using those to delineate the range?


  6. #6
    Dave Peterson

    Re: return a cell address?

    ..Address will return a string.

    It really depends on what you want and how you declared rngStart.

    dim rngStart as range
    set rngstart = c.offset(1,0)
    msgbox rngstart.address


    dim RngStart as string
    rngstart = c.offset(1,0).Address

    How did you declare that rngStart variable?

    green fox wrote:
    > Thanks Dave,
    > Even with the changes rngStart returns the value when the condition is
    > met. I've tried using
    > Set rngStart = c.Offset(1,0).Address
    > but I get a type mismatch error.
    > Do you think I would be better off assigning names to the cells, then
    > using those to delineate the range?
    > Andy


    Dave Peterson

  7. #7
    Dave Peterson

    Re: return a cell address?

    It depends on what and where those cells are.

    Your code looks like you have to determine where the first cell is by checking
    where "Sections" is. If you knew where Sections was always going to be, then I
    would think a range name would work ok.

    But as long as you don't know exactly where it's gonna be, I don't think the
    range name will work.

    green fox wrote:
    > Thanks Dave,
    > Even with the changes rngStart returns the value when the condition is
    > met. I've tried using
    > Set rngStart = c.Offset(1,0).Address
    > but I get a type mismatch error.
    > Do you think I would be better off assigning names to the cells, then
    > using those to delineate the range?
    > Andy


    Dave Peterson

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