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Creating A sumation formula

  1. #1

    Creating A sumation formula

    Sort of a school project, basically I need to sum the following equation:

    k goes from 0 to 100 ( A^( k+1 ) ) * ( B / C ) * ( 1 - ( D / E ) )

    where A, B, C, D, E are all cell references that increase by k each time for
    the sumation, but there is no way to find a funtion, so I think I have to
    make a loop in VBA, but I don't really know how to use my reference cells.
    Ultimately I would like to call a function like this: =Sum3up( array1,
    array2, array3, integer ) where the 3 arrays are my colums or rows, and my
    integer is the value of k.

    Not much of a program but if I get pointed in the right way I can figure
    most things out, once I get a nudge.


  2. #2
    Jerry W. Lewis

    RE: Creating A sumation formula

    If by "...cell references that increase by k each time..." you mean that you

    then you can do it by worksheet function


    which should be much faster than VBA.


    "Clinton" wrote:

    > Sort of a school project, basically I need to sum the following equation:
    > k goes from 0 to 100 ( A^( k+1 ) ) * ( B / C ) * ( 1 - ( D / E ) )
    > where A, B, C, D, E are all cell references that increase by k each time for
    > the sumation, but there is no way to find a funtion, so I think I have to
    > make a loop in VBA, but I don't really know how to use my reference cells.
    > Ultimately I would like to call a function like this: =Sum3up( array1,
    > array2, array3, integer ) where the 3 arrays are my colums or rows, and my
    > integer is the value of k.
    > Not much of a program but if I get pointed in the right way I can figure
    > most things out, once I get a nudge.
    > Clinton

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Hello Clinton,

    Here is User Defined Function in VBA. It can be used just like a regular Excel Formula.

    It assumes that the index K is the number of entries that will be successively summed according to your formula. The cells don't need to be contiguous, but do need to be in the same row.

    Add a VBA Module to your project and copy this code into it.

    Using the UDF:

    =Sum3Up(<cell Arg A>, <cell Arg B>, <cell Arg C>, <cell Arg D>, <cell Arg E>, Index_K)

    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Leith Ross

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