Hello everyone:

I need to bring in selected mdb fields from a date stamped file reside in a
server to Excel. New file created every day. I want to automate the process.

So far, I can do it manually using FTP and the built-in Access / Excel
import and export functions. I have some understanding in VBA, Access and
Excel. I took some courses.

My manual steps are:

1) FTP the mdb file to a folder in my local computer
2) Select the mdb fields
3) Export them to Excel.

My challenges for automation are:

1) To capture the date in the required format and pass it to the batch and
text files for FTP. The file name takes the form eg “xxx_yyy_20050731.mdb”.
The number 20050731 represents yyyymmdd.
2) To import selected fields to Excel.
3) To auto these for the daily server created mdb file.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you
