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Parts List comparison report

  1. #1

    Parts List comparison report

    I have a list of 3942 parts w/ descriptions and pricing information. I have
    used a series of If(NA(Vlookup)) formulas to scrub this list down to 3,533
    part numbers that are not currently in our system. I would now like to have
    the all the information from the larger list (descriptions, pricing, terms,
    etc) reduced to the 3,533. How can I best accomplish this?

    basically if a part number from sheet 1 A2 matches a part number from the
    parts column of worksheet 2, I would like sheet 3 Row 2 to print the entire
    row from Worksheet 2 that matched the partnumber from sheet 1 A2. Is there a
    way to do this?


  2. #2

    Re: Parts List comparison report

    Why do you not use a Vlookup function in the 3,533 list to get the data from
    the larger list?


    "DA@PD" <DAPD@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I have a list of 3942 parts w/ descriptions and pricing information. I

    > used a series of If(NA(Vlookup)) formulas to scrub this list down to 3,533
    > part numbers that are not currently in our system. I would now like to

    > the all the information from the larger list (descriptions, pricing,

    > etc) reduced to the 3,533. How can I best accomplish this?
    > basically if a part number from sheet 1 A2 matches a part number from the
    > parts column of worksheet 2, I would like sheet 3 Row 2 to print the

    > row from Worksheet 2 that matched the partnumber from sheet 1 A2. Is

    there a
    > way to do this?
    > Thanks!

  3. #3

    RE: Parts List comparison report

    Try this (on test data first!).

    It matches Sheet1, Col A vs Sheet2, Col A and if match found, COPIES (not
    Prints) Sheet2 data to Sheet3. Change colums as required (as I wasn't sure of
    column for part number in sheet2).


    Sub GetPartsData()

    Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet
    Dim outrng As Range
    Dim lastrow As Long, r As Long

    Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
    Set ws3 = Worksheets("Sheet3")
    Set outrng = ws3.Range("A2")

    With ws2
    lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    Set rng = .Range("A2:A" & lastrow) ' Set list of Sheet2 part numbers
    from Col A (?)
    End With


    With ws1
    lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    For r = 2 To lastrow ' loop through column A of Sheet1
    res = Application.Match(.Cells(r, "a"), rng, 0) ' find match
    If Not IsError(res) Then ' Match found
    ws2.Rows(res + 1).EntireRow.Copy outrng ' Copy Sheet2 data to
    Set outrng = outrng.Offset(1, 0)
    End If
    Next r
    End With

    End Sub

    "DA@PD" wrote:

    > I have a list of 3942 parts w/ descriptions and pricing information. I have
    > used a series of If(NA(Vlookup)) formulas to scrub this list down to 3,533
    > part numbers that are not currently in our system. I would now like to have
    > the all the information from the larger list (descriptions, pricing, terms,
    > etc) reduced to the 3,533. How can I best accomplish this?
    > basically if a part number from sheet 1 A2 matches a part number from the
    > parts column of worksheet 2, I would like sheet 3 Row 2 to print the entire
    > row from Worksheet 2 that matched the partnumber from sheet 1 A2. Is there a
    > way to do this?
    > Thanks!

  4. #4

    Re: Parts List comparison report

    Thats what I'd like to do, but unfortunately am not sure how to pull data
    from other columns at the same time. I know how to "match" with the parts
    column, but really don't know how to use vlookup to get the data from the
    other columns.



    "Nigel" wrote:

    > Why do you not use a Vlookup function in the 3,533 list to get the data from
    > the larger list?
    > --
    > Cheers
    > Nigel
    > "DA@PD" <DAPD@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:B008D4B2-A1F1-4DDF-8AE8-5C4B87A23EBA@microsoft.com...
    > > I have a list of 3942 parts w/ descriptions and pricing information. I

    > have
    > > used a series of If(NA(Vlookup)) formulas to scrub this list down to 3,533
    > > part numbers that are not currently in our system. I would now like to

    > have
    > > the all the information from the larger list (descriptions, pricing,

    > terms,
    > > etc) reduced to the 3,533. How can I best accomplish this?
    > >
    > > basically if a part number from sheet 1 A2 matches a part number from the
    > > parts column of worksheet 2, I would like sheet 3 Row 2 to print the

    > entire
    > > row from Worksheet 2 that matched the partnumber from sheet 1 A2. Is

    > there a
    > > way to do this?
    > >
    > > Thanks!


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