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Compare and align columns of data

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  1. #1

    Compare and align columns of data

    I have two large files that I've combined into one sheet. They both list
    account numbers and amounts charged. The account numbers could be the same
    in both lists or could be in one list but not the other. I want to compare
    the account numbers which would be in columns A & C. If they are the same I
    want to move down and compare the next row. If the account number is in
    column A but not column C I want to insert cells into C & D, then drop down
    and compare the next row. If the account number is in C but not A I want to
    insert cells into A&B and drop down to the next row and continue.

    A B C D
    1 1.00 1 10.00
    3 2.00 2 11.00
    5 3.00 3 12.00
    7 4.00 6 13.00

    A B C D
    1 1.00 1 10.00
    2 11.00
    3 2.00 3 12.00
    5 3.00
    6 13.00
    7 4.00

    I have never mastered the macro functions in Excel. I used to be able to do
    this in Lotus. Any help would be appreaciated

  2. #2

    RE: Compare and align columns of data


    HTH. Assumes data starts in row 1; change initial value of i and j
    as required.

    Sub Transform()

    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    i = 1
    j = 1

    Do While (Cells(i, 1) <> "") And (Cells(j, 3) <> "")
    If Cells(i, 1) > Cells(j, 3) Then
    Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 2)).Insert shift:=xlDown
    If Cells(i, 1) < Cells(j, 3) Then
    Range(Cells(i, 3), Cells(i, 4)).Insert shift:=xlDown
    End If
    End If

    i = i + 1
    j = j + 1


    End Sub

    "JGouger" wrote:

    > I have two large files that I've combined into one sheet. They both list
    > account numbers and amounts charged. The account numbers could be the same
    > in both lists or could be in one list but not the other. I want to compare
    > the account numbers which would be in columns A & C. If they are the same I
    > want to move down and compare the next row. If the account number is in
    > column A but not column C I want to insert cells into C & D, then drop down
    > and compare the next row. If the account number is in C but not A I want to
    > insert cells into A&B and drop down to the next row and continue.
    > Before
    > A B C D
    > a/n
    > 1 1.00 1 10.00
    > 3 2.00 2 11.00
    > 5 3.00 3 12.00
    > 7 4.00 6 13.00
    > After
    > A B C D
    > 1 1.00 1 10.00
    > 2 11.00
    > 3 2.00 3 12.00
    > 5 3.00
    > 6 13.00
    > 7 4.00
    > I have never mastered the macro functions in Excel. I used to be able to do
    > this in Lotus. Any help would be appreaciated

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Compare and align columns of data

    Try this against a copy of your worksheet--just in case!

    Option Explicit
    Sub testme()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim ColA As Range
    Dim ColC As Range
    Dim iRow As Long

    Set wks = Worksheets("sheet1")
    wks.DisplayPageBreaks = False
    With wks
    Set ColA = .Range("a1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
    Set ColC = .Range("c1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "c").End(xlUp))

    With ColA.Resize(, 2)
    .Sort key1:=.Cells(1), order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlNo
    End With

    With ColC.Resize(, 2)
    .Sort key1:=.Cells(1), order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlNo
    End With

    iRow = 1
    If Application.CountA(.Cells(iRow, "A"), .Cells(iRow, "C")) = 0 _
    Exit Do
    End If

    If .Cells(iRow, "A").Value = .Cells(iRow, "c").Value _
    Or Application.CountA(.Cells(iRow, "A"), .Cells(iRow, "C")) = 1 _
    'do nothing
    If .Cells(iRow, "A").Value > .Cells(iRow, "c").Value Then
    .Cells(iRow, "A").Resize(1, 2).Insert shift:=xlDown
    .Cells(iRow, "c").Resize(1, 2).Insert shift:=xlDown
    End If
    End If
    iRow = iRow + 1
    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End Sub

    If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

    JGouger wrote:
    > I have two large files that I've combined into one sheet. They both list
    > account numbers and amounts charged. The account numbers could be the same
    > in both lists or could be in one list but not the other. I want to compare
    > the account numbers which would be in columns A & C. If they are the same I
    > want to move down and compare the next row. If the account number is in
    > column A but not column C I want to insert cells into C & D, then drop down
    > and compare the next row. If the account number is in C but not A I want to
    > insert cells into A&B and drop down to the next row and continue.
    > Before
    > A B C D
    > a/n
    > 1 1.00 1 10.00
    > 3 2.00 2 11.00
    > 5 3.00 3 12.00
    > 7 4.00 6 13.00
    > After
    > A B C D
    > 1 1.00 1 10.00
    > 2 11.00
    > 3 2.00 3 12.00
    > 5 3.00
    > 6 13.00
    > 7 4.00
    > I have never mastered the macro functions in Excel. I used to be able to do
    > this in Lotus. Any help would be appreaciated


    Dave Peterson

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