Hi Harley

You can change the margins in pagesetup and maybe

.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 1

Regards Ron de Bruin

"Harley" <anonymous@nowhere.com> wrote in message news:D611A621-5BC0-45DF-B721-F615DC49BEF4@microsoft.com...
>I am having trouble creating a dynamic print area. I need to print a sheet
> that is updated from other sheets in the same workbook. There will always be
> data in columns A-G and a variable number of rows.
> LngLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row
> ActiveSheet.Range("A1:G" & LngLastRow).Select
> ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ("A1:G" & LngLastRow)
> I use the above code to establish the range of cells used and to then
> establish the print area. It appears to work because dashed lines are around
> the selected range, but it does not print as I had hoped. I was expecting, in
> this case, to have 2 printed sheets , but I have 4 printed sheets with
> columns F & G on pages 3 and 4.