Exit Sub
Gary''s Student
"achidsey" wrote:
> My code (below) uses a For Each..Next loop with an If section to check if
> two columns of data match.
> If there is a mismatch, code displays a message box.
> I want to add a line that ends the procedure if a mismatch is found.
> What code would do this?
> Sub CompareLists()
> Cells.Find(What:="Open Positions In Current Year").Offset(1).Select
> Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
> Set CurSymbols = Selection
> Cells.Find(What:="PASymbol").Select
> Set PASymbol = Selection
> For Each Sym In CurSymbols
> If Sym <> Cells(Sym.Row, PASymbol.Column) Then
> MsgBox "Mismatch on " & Sym
> '*** Add code here to end procedure if there is a mismatch***
> End If
> Next Sym
> MsgBox "Symbol Lists Match"
> End Sub
> Thanks in advance,
> Alan
> --
> achidsey