
Your column headings have to be contiguous. You cannot have for example,
You cannot leave a gap.
The data can come from a named range, and that range can be dynamic and
calculate the last column to use and/or the last row to use.
If you are saying you only want columns Cd and D plus 12 columns of months
in the future, could you not re-arrange your data so that the new columns
are inserted next to column D?

Alternatively, have a second sheet where this is the case and the data is
copied from Nov 06 to column D, from Oct 06 to column E etc. and use this
sheet as the source for your Pivot Table.

Roger Govier

"matpj" <matpj.1y4gvy_1131359402.2819@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:matpj.1y4gvy_1131359402.2819@excelforum-nospam.com...
> I have a spreadsheet with columns from A to AE
> The last 12 columns all contain months from the month AFTER the current
> month TO 12 months away.
> e.g. nowm, they will show DEC05, JAN06, FEB06 .....etc
> The rows contain a numerical value which represents the number of hours
> put
> The other two columns I am concerned about are C and D - column
> headings ALWAYS stay the same.
> I need to create a pivot table automatically that will always use the
> cooumn headings from the worksheet (whatever they are)
> They'll exist in the same place, but obviously each month the pivot
> table is created, the month headings will be different.
> how can I do this?
> Is it possible to create a pivot and point to a cell reference when
> telling it which columns to use??
> thanks in advance...
> --
> matpj
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