I have an Excel-based validation application that queries an Oracle db
and exports the recordsets as text files that are imported into Access.
Once imported, the app runs several Access queries that join the newly
imported text files to linked DB2 tables. This, in turn, invokes the
DB2 Security model that prompts for a UserID and password.
The Oracle queries take a variety of different times and I'm looking
for a way to notify the user that the DB2 security model has been
invoked and they need to need to enter their userid and password to
complete the process.
Ideally, I'm looking for a way to manipulate the Excel icon in the
System Tray (API?) similar to how the Outlook icon flashes when you
start to send an e-mail from Excel, but I'm open to other ideas/Alerts.
Here's the code that calls the Access queries. Thanks for any help...
Sub AccessQuery(queryname As String, targetsheet As Worksheet,
outputcell As Range, Optional crng As Range, Optional Header As
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Time1 As Double
Application.StatusBar = "Query Start Time: " & Format(qTime,
"mm/dd/yyyy AM/PM;@") & _
" - Running Access Query #: " & AccessQryCounter + 1 & ". Please
'// Clear old data
Call ClearOldData(targetsheet, crng)
'// Open the connection
cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" &
dblocation & ";" & "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=Play123;"
Time1 = Now
'// Open the recordset---DB2 Security model invoked here.
rst.Open queryname, cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly,
If Header = True Then
'// Collect the field names and place them in the worksheet.
For i = 1 To rst.Fields.Count
targetsheet.Cells(outputcell.Row, outputcell.Column - 1 +
i).Value = rst.Fields(i - 1).Name
'// Copy the recordset
targetsheet.Cells(outputcell.Row + 1,
outputcell.Column).CopyFromRecordset rst
Call HdrFormat(targetsheet, outputcell)
'// Copy the recordset without headers
targetsheet.Cells(outputcell.Row + 1,
outputcell.Column).CopyFromRecordset rst
End If
'// Close the recordset and connection
Call WriteLog(queryname, Time1, Now)
AccessQryCounter = AccessQryCounter + 1
End Sub