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Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

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Guest Taking control of an existing... 11-04-2005, 04:55 AM
Leith Ross Hello Mike, What you are... 11-04-2005, 06:00 AM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-04-2005, 07:10 AM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-04-2005, 09:00 AM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-05-2005, 07:40 AM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-04-2005, 09:45 AM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-04-2005, 11:15 AM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-05-2005, 09:40 PM
Guest Re: Taking control of an... 11-06-2005, 11:20 AM
  1. #1

    Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    I have two questions about gaining control of an already-running instances
    of excel that was started from the Start/Programs menu, *NOT* from VBA code.

    Does anyone know how to locate and close a workbook named "daily.xls" that
    is open in another already existing instance of Excel that was *NOT* started
    from VBA code, and thus does *NOT* have an object reference to use in the
    VBA code of the instance of Excel that I am working from ?

    Also, is it possible that after you have a way to reference the other
    instance of Excel, that you can crate an object, and set it to the
    already-open other instance of Excel to gain control of it for other actions
    besides just closing it?

    I know how to dim a new excel application and set it with CreateObject, but
    that's *NOT* what I'm wanting to do here and just want to try to be clear on
    what I'm looking for.

    I know there must be a way to find the Windows handle and return a workbook
    name but I haven't been able to figure it out yet....Thanks in

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
    Join Date
    San Francisco, Ca
    MS-Off Ver
    2000, 2003, & 2010
    Hello Mike,

    What you are looking for is contained in the Windows API. This interface can be accessed by a variety of languages. The exact coding format to access the calls depends on the langauge and object model through which communication is taking place. If you have the Windows SDK you should reference it for proper syntax and the object model you will use. You can also go to the MSDN site for more information http://www.msdn.com/.

    Leith Ross

  3. #3

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    Thanks Leith,

    what I'd like to do is find the other instance of Excel using VBA code in my
    Excel application:
    I open my spreadsheet "report.xls" in Excel instance "A", and maybe there
    are several other instances of
    Excel already running, instance "B", instance "C", and instance "D" for
    example, that are already open. One of them has the "daily.xls" workbook
    open in it, another has "whatever.xls" and the other has "somefile.xls"
    open. I want to find the instance that has "daily.xls" open in it and gain
    control of that instance. I would like to do it with vba from within my
    excel program and not another program. At one time, I think I saw a reather
    simple API call to do this with in vba but can't find it anywhere now that I
    need it. I'll take a look at the msdn though, and thank you for the


    "Leith Ross" <Leith.Ross.1xyvyn_1131099005.5261@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote
    in message news:Leith.Ross.1xyvyn_1131099005.5261@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Hello Mike,
    > What you are looking for is contained in the Windows API. This
    > interface can be accessed by a variety of languages. The exact coding
    > format to access the calls depends on the langauge and object model
    > through which communication is taking place. If you have the Windows
    > SDK you should reference it for proper syntax and the object model you
    > will use. You can also go to the MSDN site for more information
    > http://www.msdn.com/.
    > Sincerely,
    > Leith Ross
    > --
    > Leith Ross
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Leith Ross's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=482138

  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel


    claims you can attach to an instance of excel if you know a specific
    document in that instance.

    I haven't tested it, but maybe they are right. since you are looking for
    Daily.xls it might work for you. Let us know.

    Tom Ogilvy

  5. #5

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    Thanks for the suggestion Tom. The example Microsoft shows on this page is
    exactly what I want to do, and I thank you, but for some reason I am
    getting an "automation error" when I try to take control of the instance by
    workbook name as Microsofts example shows to do.....

    Set xlApp = GetObject("daily.xls").Application
    Set xlApp = GetObject("daily").Application

    both generate the message:
    runtime error '-2147221020 (800401e4)'
    automation error
    invalid syntax

    The Microsoft example, copy and pasted below directly from their page, does
    not use the .xls part of the workbook or file name:
    "Set xlApp = GetObject("Book2").Application"

    According to them, this should work with Excel 97 through 2003. Has anyone
    tried to do this with any success....
    (I am using office pro 2000)

    Thanks again for your assistance,


    "Tom Ogilvy" <twogilvy@msn.com> wrote in message
    > http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;288902
    > claims you can attach to an instance of excel if you know a specific
    > document in that instance.
    > I haven't tested it, but maybe they are right. since you are looking for
    > Daily.xls it might work for you. Let us know.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Tom Ogilvy

  6. #6
    Peter T

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    Hi Mike,

    Using that method you need to include the full path, then it "usually"
    works. Also to set the object directly to the application - use Parent. eg

    On error resume next
    set xlApp = GetObject(stringPath & "\" & "daily.xls").Parent

    If not xlApp is nothing then

    I use a similar method to hook into unknown instances with unknown
    workbooks, but it's very convoluted!

    Peter T

    "nmventure" <nmventure@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks for the suggestion Tom. The example Microsoft shows on this page

    > exactly what I want to do, and I thank you, but for some reason I am
    > getting an "automation error" when I try to take control of the instance

    > workbook name as Microsofts example shows to do.....
    > Set xlApp = GetObject("daily.xls").Application
    > or
    > Set xlApp = GetObject("daily").Application
    > both generate the message:
    > runtime error '-2147221020 (800401e4)'
    > automation error
    > invalid syntax
    > The Microsoft example, copy and pasted below directly from their page,

    > not use the .xls part of the workbook or file name:
    > "Set xlApp = GetObject("Book2").Application"
    > According to them, this should work with Excel 97 through 2003. Has

    > tried to do this with any success....
    > (I am using office pro 2000)
    > Thanks again for your assistance,
    > Mike
    > "Tom Ogilvy" <twogilvy@msn.com> wrote in message
    > news:uQpgY8T4FHA.2872@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
    > > http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;288902
    > >
    > > claims you can attach to an instance of excel if you know a specific
    > > document in that instance.
    > >
    > > I haven't tested it, but maybe they are right. since you are looking

    > > Daily.xls it might work for you. Let us know.
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > > Tom Ogilvy
    > >
    > >
    > >


  7. #7
    Don Guillett

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    You probably didn't intentionally set your clock to keep you at the top of
    the list, did you?

    Don Guillett
    SalesAid Software
    "nmventure" <nmventure@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > I have two questions about gaining control of an already-running instances
    > of excel that was started from the Start/Programs menu, *NOT* from VBA

    > 1.
    > Does anyone know how to locate and close a workbook named "daily.xls" that
    > is open in another already existing instance of Excel that was *NOT*

    > from VBA code, and thus does *NOT* have an object reference to use in the
    > VBA code of the instance of Excel that I am working from ?
    > 2.
    > Also, is it possible that after you have a way to reference the other
    > instance of Excel, that you can crate an object, and set it to the
    > already-open other instance of Excel to gain control of it for other

    > besides just closing it?
    > I know how to dim a new excel application and set it with CreateObject,

    > that's *NOT* what I'm wanting to do here and just want to try to be clear

    > what I'm looking for.
    > I know there must be a way to find the Windows handle and return a

    > name but I haven't been able to figure it out yet....Thanks in
    > advance...Mike

  8. #8
    R. Choate

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    You're right, he did set his clock. What a jerk.

    "Don Guillett" <donaldb@281.com> wrote in message news:el6tWVU4FHA.4076@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
    You probably didn't intentionally set your clock to keep you at the top of
    the list, did you?

    Don Guillett
    SalesAid Software
    "nmventure" <nmventure@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > I have two questions about gaining control of an already-running instances
    > of excel that was started from the Start/Programs menu, *NOT* from VBA

    > 1.
    > Does anyone know how to locate and close a workbook named "daily.xls" that
    > is open in another already existing instance of Excel that was *NOT*

    > from VBA code, and thus does *NOT* have an object reference to use in the
    > VBA code of the instance of Excel that I am working from ?
    > 2.
    > Also, is it possible that after you have a way to reference the other
    > instance of Excel, that you can crate an object, and set it to the
    > already-open other instance of Excel to gain control of it for other

    > besides just closing it?
    > I know how to dim a new excel application and set it with CreateObject,

    > that's *NOT* what I'm wanting to do here and just want to try to be clear

    > what I'm looking for.
    > I know there must be a way to find the Windows handle and return a

    > name but I haven't been able to figure it out yet....Thanks in
    > advance...Mike

  9. #9

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    I've also found this examle for visual basic that I've tried and it works
    with vba in excel 2000.
    This one gets the windows handle which might be a more sure way of getting
    the instance you want.

    "nmventure" <nmventure@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > I have two questions about gaining control of an already-running instances
    > of excel that was started from the Start/Programs menu, *NOT* from VBA

    > 1.
    > Does anyone know how to locate and close a workbook named "daily.xls" that
    > is open in another already existing instance of Excel that was *NOT*

    > from VBA code, and thus does *NOT* have an object reference to use in the
    > VBA code of the instance of Excel that I am working from ?
    > 2.
    > Also, is it possible that after you have a way to reference the other
    > instance of Excel, that you can crate an object, and set it to the
    > already-open other instance of Excel to gain control of it for other

    > besides just closing it?
    > I know how to dim a new excel application and set it with CreateObject,

    > that's *NOT* what I'm wanting to do here and just want to try to be clear

    > what I'm looking for.
    > I know there must be a way to find the Windows handle and return a

    > name but I haven't been able to figure it out yet....Thanks in
    > advance...Mike

  10. #10
    Peter T

    Re: Taking control of an existing instance of Excel

    Hi Mike,

    Getting an application's window handle does not directly help attach a
    reference to the application. With the MS example you don't know which app
    instance the handle relates to, but even if you do it doesn't help in
    setting a ref to the app (AFAIK). Having said that getting "all" app' window
    handles is one of many steps in the process I use to grab all unknown
    running instances, it's not straightforward.

    For your particular purposes think I would stick with the GetObject method
    that works for you. But I'll stand corrected.

    Peter T

    "nmventure" <nmventure@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > I've also found this examle for visual basic that I've tried and it works
    > with vba in excel 2000.
    > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/258511/EN-US/
    > This one gets the windows handle which might be a more sure way of getting
    > the instance you want.
    > "nmventure" <nmventure@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:KaFaf.1986$KB3.340043@news.sisna.com...
    > > I have two questions about gaining control of an already-running

    > > of excel that was started from the Start/Programs menu, *NOT* from VBA

    > code.
    > >
    > > 1.
    > > Does anyone know how to locate and close a workbook named "daily.xls"

    > > is open in another already existing instance of Excel that was *NOT*

    > started
    > > from VBA code, and thus does *NOT* have an object reference to use in

    > > VBA code of the instance of Excel that I am working from ?
    > >
    > > 2.
    > > Also, is it possible that after you have a way to reference the other
    > > instance of Excel, that you can crate an object, and set it to the
    > > already-open other instance of Excel to gain control of it for other

    > actions
    > > besides just closing it?
    > >
    > > I know how to dim a new excel application and set it with CreateObject,

    > but
    > > that's *NOT* what I'm wanting to do here and just want to try to be

    > on
    > > what I'm looking for.
    > >
    > > I know there must be a way to find the Windows handle and return a

    > workbook
    > > name but I haven't been able to figure it out yet....Thanks in
    > > advance...Mike
    > >
    > >


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