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User form error when opened

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question User form error when opened

    I am trying to develop a user form, named frmPAFD, in Excel 2000. I try to write a macro to open the form. It is simple, all I put is:


    I have this in its own macro. However when I try to run it i get the error:
    "Object required" The only way I could get it to open was in its initialize event. There I input:


    It has also worked with:
    Load frmPAFD

    But when I try to close it using a button I programed i get the same error and it jumps to the same line of code in my Macro. The only way I can view the form is if I do the frmPAFD.Show in the event mentioned earlier. I have consulted help pages both in excel and on Microsoft.com as well as other websites. They all say to view the form just type:

    frmPAFD.Show 'In its own Macro.

    Am I missing something like a reference or am I doing something wrong? Please let me know, and thanks for your help.


  2. #2
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: User form error when opened

    A couple of question. Does your code compile? (Debug -> Compile) Also when
    the error occurs what line of code is it stopping on. Finally can you post
    your initialize, load, deactivate and terminate code for us to look at.

    Jim Thomlinson

    "theguz" wrote:

    > I am trying to develop a user form, named frmPAFD, in Excel 2000. I try
    > to write a macro to open the form. It is simple, all I put is:
    > frmPAFD.Show
    > I have this in its own macro. However when I try to run it i get the
    > error:
    > "Object required" The only way I could get it to open was in its
    > initialize event. There I input:
    > frmPAFD.show
    > It has also worked with:
    > Load frmPAFD
    > frmPAFD.Show
    > But when I try to close it using a button I programed i get the same
    > error and it jumps to the same line of code in my Macro. The only way
    > I can view the form is if I do the frmPAFD.Show in the event mentioned
    > earlier. I have consulted help pages both in excel and on
    > Microsoft.com as well as other websites. They all say to view the form
    > just type:
    > frmPAFD.Show 'In its own Macro.
    > Am I missing something like a reference or am I doing something wrong?
    > Please let me know, and thanks for your help.
    > theguz
    > --
    > theguz
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > theguz's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=24918
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=384565

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Yes the code does compile, I don't get the error untill I open it or close the form. Here is the macro that opens the form:

    Sub frmPAFD_Activate()
    'This macro opens the user form

    frmPAFD.Show 'Here is where error always occurs

    End Sub

    And here is the initialize event code:

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    'Initialize the form properties when opened

    frmPAFD.Show 'With out this line I can't even preview the form.
    optbutton1 = False
    optButton2 = False
    Accttxt.Value = ""
    P_Stxt.Value = ""
    titletxt.Value = ""

    'Variable for "for" loop
    Dim i As Integer

    i = 1

    'Loop for initalizing all those txt boxes with almost same name
    For i = 1 To 24
    TextBoxi.Value = ""
    Next i


    End Sub

    I haven't added code to the load, deactivate and terminate events yet. I have been to frustrated to continue. Thanks you very much for the reply. Other forums haven't given me a response yet.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    i may be wrong but if i remember correctly, your code should be in the UserForm_Activate event not frmPADF_Activate. this should be in the code for that form so excel recognizes which form it's for.

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